What do I get for $150?
By way of an update to this post, below is a video, entitled “What Do I Get for $150?” posted on June 19, 2015: A previous post in this series is entitled: Next steps for MCHS 2015 website – May 17, 2015 update As well, our new reunion website is now up and […]
Next steps for MCHS 2015 website – May 17, 2015 update
What do I get for $150? This is a great question. We are developing the conversation, related to the question, at the FAQ at the MCHS 2015 website. What do I get for $150? The question has come up many times. Many answers come to mind. By way of example: “Why should I spend $150 […]
The Housing Bomb (2013)
When I first came across The Housing Bomb: Why Our Addiction to Houses Is Destroying the Environment and Threatening Our Society (2013), I thought the title may be a marketing ploy to attract readers. My assumption was not valid, as I learned when I began to read the book. The concept of the housing bomb […]
Massive North York tree has been silent witness to regional history – May 16, 2015 Toronto Star
A May 16, 2015 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Massive North York tree has been silent witness to regional history: Amateur historian fears majestic red oak – possibly dating back to 1765 – could be chopped down by new homeowner.” The opening paragraphs read: “She wrote emails, left messages and when she finally got me, […]
As a retired teacher, I do not support the current labour disruptions by Ontario teachers
As a retired teacher, I do not support the strikes and work disruptions by Ontario teachers. Here is my take on things. Governance issues at the Toronto District School Board The larger context we are dealing with is being addressed, at one level, by an expert panel that is leading Toronto District School Board consultations, […]
Etobicoke Creek mystery spill may take a week to clean up: CBC, May 15, 2015
A May 15, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Etobicoke Creek mystery spill may take a week to clean up.” The opening paragraphs read: “Workers continued to clean up a mystery spill in Etobicoke Creek into the weekend – and to figure out just what caused it in the first place. “The spill, in the portion […]
MCHS 2015 organizing committee met on May 13, 2015 in Kitchener. Plus: Recent Cartierville photos.
The most recent meeting of the MCHS 2015 Reunion organizing committee took place in Kitchener on May 13, 2015. The previous Kitchener meeting took place on April 1, 2015. The next one is at 11:30 am on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, and that one may take place in St. Williams. Recent Cartierville photos by Scott […]
WOOP (Oettingen 2014): Wish | Outcome | Obstacle | Plan: Getting things done by focusing on the task at hand
Like many people, I have a lot of projects on the go, and at times I find it a challenge to focus on the task at hand. Distractions make their presence known, and take command of a person in subtle and not so subtle ways. Fortunately, I like to read widely, about a broad range of […]
The new MCHS 2015 website is this evening officially launched
It’s been a long day. Tomorrow we have a meeting of the MCHS 2015 organizing committee. In the meantime, the MCHS 2015 website is hereby now officially launched. You can access it here: MCHS 2015 website The web address is www.mchs2015.com
Recent emails (Brian Liberty; Jennifer Keesmaat; David Godley) concerned with urgent Long Branch urban planning matters
On May 10, 2015 Brian Liberty of Long Branch wrote: Hello everyone, A happy Sunday to you, and Happy Mother’s day to those celebrating. On Friday, David Godley received an email (see below) from the City’s Chief Planner, Jennifer Keesmaat in response to his meeting summary that was sent following the May 4th community meeting. […]