The real problem with America’s inner cities: May 10, 2015 New York Times article

Many perspective lend themselves to the study of what are called “inner cities.” Among the perspectives is evidence-based research including ethnographic research by Alice Goffman, the daughter of Erving Goffman. Another perspective relates to evidence-based research about North American drug laws. A May 10, 2015 New York Times article is entitled:”The Real Problem With America’s Inner […]

Globe and Mail series: Risks are associated with too much consumerism; risks are associated with too little of it

I’ve explored two related concepts in a May 9, 2015 Twitter post, which can be represented as follows: Consumerism fuels runaway spending Consumers in debt stop consuming, economic collapse looms Risks are associated with too much consumerism (in the sense of the compulsion to buy the newest electronic gadgets, bigger houses, and pricier cars) That is, a […]

Changing the Conversation (2015)

Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution (2015) I learned about Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution (2015) when I read an April 24, 2015 New York Times article entitled: “A William Forsythe Dancer Moves From Toe-Tapping to Handshaking.” A Book List Review for Changing the Conversation (2015) at the Toronto Public Library […]

Military history mural at Small Arms Building will be moved to building facade

Update The mural has been moved to the inside of the Small Arms Building. [End of update] Mural at Small Arms Building I have spoken about the mural at the front of the Small Arms Building in previous posts including this one: Long Branch Rifle Ranges, Small Arms Building, and the Arsenal Lands The mural […]

News Release – “Visualizing Absence Art Exhibition”

I am pleased to share the following message from Ed Janiszewski: Your are receiving this because of your past interest in the Lakeshore Cemetery Project. Hope that you might be able to attend across the display periods.The art installation will be in place until May 30th at the cemetery Best Regards, Ed This project includes 2 events: […]

Steve Nazar, who moved from Alderwood (Toronto) to Duncan, British Columbia, comments on what drives people out of Toronto

In previous posts, I’ve shared views about the destruction of the neighbourhood character of Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey). Among the posts are the following recent ones: Comment from Susan Virtue: May 4, 2015 “Character of Long Branch” meeting at The Assembly Hall Comment from Susan Albert: May 4, 2015 “Character of Long Branch” […]

A mouse came to visit me at my home office. The next day I drove it to Marie Curtis Park.

I saw a mouse at my home office on May 5, 2015. I saw it several times that evening. I was wondering why it didn’t run off as soon as it saw me. On the morning of May 6, 2015, at 6:30 am, I saw the mouse again. When I saw it one more time […]

Ticketed Event – Cities of the Dead: the Ancestral Cemeteries of Kyrgyzstan

The following information has been forwarded by Geoff Kettel of Toronto: Cities of the Dead: The Ancestral Cemeteries of Kyrgyzstan Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 8.00 p.m. Ismaili Centre 49 Wynford Drive, Toronto, Elmira Köchümkulova, Senior Research Fellow, University of Central Asia Margaret Morton, Professor, Cooper Union Nasser Rabbat, Aga Khan Professor, MIT Traveling in […]

Comment from Susan Virtue: May 4, 2015 “Character of Long Branch” meeting at The Assembly Hall

Comment from Susan Virtue: I was at the meeting last night as well, David. I was very impressed with the turn out and the passion of the people who spoke. It’s heart breaking to learn of the abuses by developers, and the lack of response on the part of city officials. I was annoyed by […]

Comment from Susan Albert: May 4, 2015 “Character of Long Branch” meeting at The Assembly Hall

The following comment is from Susan Albert (I have added headings for ease of online reading): I too would like to thank Councillor Grimes and his staff for organizing last night’s meeting in response to the will of the residents of South Long Branch. However, my perspective is somewhat different than David’s. If dealing with […]