Ulrich Laska has added a comment to our forum about Cartierville School

Ulrich Laska (MCHS ’63) has shared with us the following comment at the earlier post entitled: Cartierville School in Montreal I’m pleased to share with you his text as a separate post, in order to bring your attention to it. Wonderful to read your comment, Ulrich! It has occurred to me to ask: Are there […]

Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning (2014) speaks of “growth mindsets”

In previous posts, I’ve spoken of Ellen Langer’s concept of mindful learning (based on her particular definition of mindfulness) and have also spoken of research about how we learn, the concept of the organized mind, and how to maintain “memory fitness.” 8 tips for studying smarter I was thinking about the above-related topics when I came […]

MCHS 2015 organizing committee met in Kitchener on Feb. 4, 2015. Steve Shein joined us for the meeting.

Attending the Feb. 4, 2015 organizing committee meeting in Kitchener were Scott Munro, Peter Mearns, Steve Shein, and Jaan Pill. The snowy weather prevented Gina (Davis) Cayer – who was flying home from the U.S. – and Lynn (Hennebury) Legge – who would have been driving from London, Ontario – from attending. We welcome all […]

This is Mercury for 1965 …now in the Lincoln Continental tradition – 1960s Ford Motor Company ad

Click on each image to enlarge it. Click again to enlarge it further. The headline for this two-page magazine spread reads: This is Mercury for 1965 …now in the Lincoln Continental tradition The advertisement reads: “We predict that the reaction of many people when they first see a 1965 Mercury drive by will be: “What […]

Accommodations details for MCHS ’60s Reunion attendees staying at Old Mill Toronto

We are working on the FAQ for the new reunion website. The new site will be launched soon. The home page will feature an introduction by Howard Hight and Diana Redden. Until then, when you visit the new domain address www.mchs2015.com you will get a list of recent blog posts related to the MCHS 2015 reunion. Here […]

What to tell your wife before the Thunderbird comes. Early 1960s Ford ad.

The tagline is: “Thunderbird: Unique in all the world.” Click on the ad to enlarge it. Click again to enlarge it further. The early 1960s ad reads: What to tell your wife before the Thunderbird comes You won’t have to tell her how beautiful a Thunderbird is. She can see that no other car has […]

The 2011 Parkview School story remains a source of inspiration and celebration for local residents in South Etobicoke

The Parkview School story remains a source of inspiration and celebration for local residents in South Etobicoke. The school in question, as we learned in October 2010, was being sold by the Toronto District School Board as the property was surplus to its needs. In the end, it was sold to the French public school […]

Trustee Pamela Gough invites you to attend Ward Forum on Feb. 3, 2015, 7:00 pm regarding Jan. 15, 2015 Review of TDSB

The following message concerning the Jan. 15, 2015 Review of the Toronto District School Board, which has been discussed at previous posts at this website, is from TDSB Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough’s office. The Ward Forum will also discuss the proposed TDSB budget for 2015-2016. I became involved with local community self-organizing, in Long […]

Update: Re-configuration of Preserved Stories website; upcoming launch of www.mchs2015.com

In a previous post, I’ve noted that our plan was to replace the website’s home page banner – the one that features the photo of Aquaview Condominiums in Toronto at Lake Shore Blvd. West and Forty Second Street as it appeared during early construction – with a banner for the MCHS 2015 Reunion. We’ve made […]