Military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East contends with gusts of wind and forces of gravity
Update: Ward 1 Mississauga Councillor Jim Tovey has informed us: “We will be moving the Mural to the building facade in the spring.” [End of update] I enjoy visiting the military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East in Lakeview in Mississauga next to the starting point for the Hanlan Water Project. The […]
Hanlan Water Project in Mississauga is now well underway
A major project currently underway in Mississauga is the Hanlan Water Project. Below are links for each of the three contracts associated with this project. Contract 1 involves the tunnelling that is taking place along Lakeshore Rd and up Dixie Road to Golden Orchard Drive Contract 2 involves the open cut work taking place on […]
Message from Mimico Lakeshore Network regarding Dec, 19, 2014 “more towers” Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan pre-hearing conference
The following message is from the Mimico Lakeshore Network: The two landowners appealing the Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan are proposing more towers. Last September, we told you about a 28 storey-tower suggested for the plaza lands located at 2491 Lake Shore Blvd West. You might remember the artistic rendering, see attachment [below] entitled 2491 Lake Shore […]
Our feet get bigger as we get older
It took me some years, and some pairs of too-small new running shoes, to realize that our feet get bigger as we get older. Fortunately, when I was at Sport Chek, I had my foot measured. I take size 10 and 1/2. It used to be 8 and 1/2. So, have your feet measured as […]
Jane’s Walk is Looking for a Toronto Programs & Event Coordinator
You can find more information about the position here. The post offers a good overview about what Jane’s Walk is about: The Jane’s Walk project ( is a global phenomenon. Citizen-led walking tours, inspired by author and urbanist Jane Jacobs, get people to tell stories about their communities, explore their cities, and connect with […]
City warns Franklin Horner Community Centre in Etobicoke against political activity
A Dec. 8, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “City warns Etobicoke community centre against political activity” Centre’s charitable status could be at risk, says expert.” The article’s opening paragraphs read: “An Etobicoke community centre was admonished by the city of Toronto for its political activities supporting Ward 6 incumbent Mark Grimes during the municipal election […]
MPP Peter Milczyn Dec. 4, 2014 e-News Update. Planning reform bill. Jan. 3, 2015 New Year’s Levee
The following text, which includes an invitation to Peter Milczyn’s First Annual New Year’s Levee on Jan. 3, 2015, is from the office of MPP Peter Milczyn: New Constituency Office I am excited to announce that my staff and I have settled into my new Constituency Office. My new office is located right in […]