We have additional notes – this time from Ruth MacLeod – regarding 1960s MCHS teachers
In a previous post, we shared comments by Cheryl Vince regarding favourite teachers. Ruth MacLeod has shared a comment regarding the latter post. You can find it there, and you can also find it here: Comments from Ruth MacLeod (I’ve broken the text into shorter paragraphs): Hi Cheryl – my memory does have its moments, […]
Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan is being received by the City of Mississauga Planning and Development Committee (PDC) this evening.
The following message is from Inspiration Lakeview: Get behind your waterfront As indicated previously, the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan is being received by the Planning and Development Committee (PDC) this evening. The Master Plan provides a framework for future development of the Inspiration Lakeview lands following the community driven principles of the Inspiration Lakeview Vision. […]
Update regarding planning for MCHS mini-reunion in Montreal in mid-August 2014
In a previous blog post I’ve described initial planning for an MCHS mini-reunion in Montreal in mid-August 2014. We are currently working on coordination of decision making related to the exact time and venue for the event. We have an email distribution list in place for sharing of information. If you as an MCHS alumna or […]
Eat your vegetables; the research is persuasive
I’ve had reason to pursue evidence-based practice in the course of my life and to eschew truthiness. I’ve made it a practice to eat my vegetables, based on research evidence published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, and highlighted in a previous post. More recent posts include: Excerpts from: Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause, […]
“We need others to add pictures. I wasn’t the only one with a camera on camera day.” Klaas Vander Baaren (MCHS 64)
Klaas Vander Baaren (MCHS 64) shared the comment – “We need others to add pictures. I wasn’t the only one with a camera on camera day.” – at the Facebook MCHS ’60s Reunion Group. You can enlarge the image by clicking on it. Click again to enlarge it further. I found a photo that I […]
Cheryl Vince’s favourite teachers at Malcolm Campbell High School included a principal and a vice-principal
In a comment at a previous post, Cheryl Vince (MCHS 64) has mentioned her favourite teachers. I much enjoyed reading the comment – I didn’t know, for example, that Mr. Talbot taught English or that Mrs. Schlutz drove an impressive convertible. I very much like the practice, in the 1960s at Malcolm Campbell High School, […]
Old Mill Toronto – site of MCHS Sixties Reunion on Oct. 17, 2015 – turns 100 this year
We’re pleased to mention that Old Mill Toronto turns 100 this year. A June 19, 2014 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Old Mill marks centennial, honours area history with new TTC subway sign: TTC, MPP-elect Peter Milczyn partner on pictorial tribute.” You can find historical background about Old Mill Toronto here.The archival photo of the […]
Etobicoke-South Cycling Committee meeting – Monday, June 23, 2014, 7:00 pm
The following message is from the Lakeshore Planning Council: In partnership with the Lakeshore Planning Council and Cycle Toronto, the Etobicoke-South Cycling Committee will be holding a meeting on: Monday, June 23, 2014, from 7 to 9 PM At “Among Friends” 2970 Lake Shore W, Etobicoke, ON M8V 1J7 (Lake Shore Blvd W and Islington […]
The Pan Am Path, Humber River, and Etobicoke West
The following message is from the Lakeshore Planning Council: “Discover the Pan Am Path” Jane’s Walk will give you a sneak peek at the newest section of the Pan Am Path, which will eventually have over 80 km of continuous trails stretching from the east to the west of Toronto. Saturday, June 21, 2014 Schedule: 10:00 am: Arrival of […]
Dr. Oz controversy raises questions about celebrity doctor endorsements – June 19, 2014 (CBC Radio)
You can listen to the CBC Radio’s The Current podcast here. You can find a June 18, 2014 New York Times overview entitled “Chronology of Coverage” here. A June 18, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Dr. Oz’s diet claims scolded by U.S. Senate panel: ‘Miracle’ label for products give people false hope: Senator Claire McCaskill […]