Article in April 17, 2013 The Grid highlights work of of City of Toronto chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat

You can access a recent article in The Grid about City of Toronto chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat here. The headline and subhead read as follows: Rules of engagement Chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat ostensibly reports to city council, but she’s taking her urbanism-themed message about the future of Toronto straight to the public in a way none […]

Muskoka Lakes files lawsuit against Ministry of Natural Resources (April 24, 2013 Cottage Country Now)

Below are the headline and opening paragraphs of an April 24, 2013 Cottage Country Now article about North Bala Falls that you can access here. Muskoka Lakes files lawsuit against MNR Muskoka Lakes has filed a lawsuit against the province in an effort to protect a portage route that would be affected by a contested […]

Jane’s Walk seeks volunteers for May 4 and May 5 walks across Toronto

Following message is from Jane’s Walk: Volunteer recruitment We’ve got over 50 volunteers signed up and ready to take pictures on the Walks, act as Walk Marshalls helping the group to stay together without blocking busy sidewalks, and so forth… but we’d like to have enough to have a volunteer at every Jane’s Walk! With 119 Jane’s […]

A community forum on benefits and jobs in light rail transit will be held on April 26, 2013

A community benefits forum – April 26 [I am catching up on posting of information from varied sources. I will post more items today.] Abbe Edelson, Research Assistant,, has informed me of a public forum in Mount Dennis on April 26th: “We are bringing in three speakers to talk about community benefits from Glasgow […]

33 Forty First Street Application in Long Branch offers an opportunity for networking among residents

I learned of the severance proposal for 33 Forty First Street just recently. Hearing Date: Thursday, April 25 , 2013 1:00 p.m. Council Chambers – 399 The West Mall, Etobicoke Civic Centre I’ve been focused upon other projects including the upcoming Long Branch Jane’s Walk on May 4 and May 5, 2013, starting on each […]

Long Branch Jane’s Walk takes place May 4 and May 5, 2013 starting 10:30 am Marie Curtis Park each day

We’ve posted information at the Jane’s Walk website regarding two Long Branch Jane’s Walks that Mike James and Jaan Pill will lead on the first weekend of May 2013. The first walk, on Saturday, May 4, 2013, is from Etobicoke Creek to the Lakeshore Hospital Grounds. The walk starts at 10:30 am at the East […]

Online Toronto maps project puts the history of familiar streets a click away (April 23, 2013 Toronto Star)

The April 23, 2013 Toronto Star has a great article about Nathan Ng’s historical maps project. You can find an earlier blog post about his work here. You can access Nathan Ng’s website here. I owe thanks to Mike James of Brampton, co-leader of the May 4 and May 5, 2013 Jane’s Walk in Long […]

The visitors centre at the Toronto South Detention Centre looks spacious and airy (April 22, 2013); such an architectural detail is irrelevant given what has been reported in the years that followed

Malcolm Archer requests that residents send comments regarding mature tree at 168 Lake Promenade in Long Branch

Malcolm Archer has shared with us the following information: [To access the information posted on the front lawn of 168 Lake Promenade, please click on the photo (see below) a couple of times to enlarge it. The deadline for comments is May 2, 2013.] Malcolm Archer writes: Plans to build two large houses will result in […]

The hippies were the creation of the American advertising industry, Thomas Frank (1997) claims