The Woman With the X-Ray Eyes: Blog post by Elinor Florence regarding Constance Babington Smith – Second World War aerial photography specialist
A November 29, 2014 blog post by Elinor Florence is entitled The Woman With the X-Ray Eyes. I came across the post because I was looking for an online image of Constance Babington Smith whose work is featured in Chapter 6 of Women of Intelligence: Winning the Second World War with Air Photos (2012), a […]
Harry Chan (MCHS ’65) has added Morison School memories at a previous post
The previous post is: Harry Chan (MCHS 65) shares with us some great MCHS Sixties memories Here (and I’m posting them at this new blog post in order to bring your attention to them) are Harry’s May 30, 2015 additional Comments: Comment for David regarding Gary Moffet Greetings David Sorry it has taken so long […]
Good news regarding 86 Twenty Third Street in Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey)
The following text is from a message circulated from Ward 6, City of Toronto Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office: GOOD NEWS “The OMB recently denied the severance and variances requested at 86 Twenty Third St. This would have been a devastating precedent had it been approved, as the property owner clearly attempted to circumvent the proper […]
MCHS 2015 Reunion: True communication involves meeting others halfway (May 29, 2015 Inc. article)
The planning for the MCHS 2015 Reunion is based upon a standard communications strategy. A recent Inc. blog post sums up the strategy beautifully. A May 29, 2015 post at the Inc. website has an overview about communication that I really like: 12 Great Communication Secrets You’ve Never Heard Before The headline is great, is […]
Women’s roles in Special Operations during the Second World War
Some years ago I became interested in the history of police services in the Village of Long Branch. Long-time residents that I’ve interviewed have filled me in on this topic. I enjoy hearing and sharing stories about long-ago police officers who lived and worked in our local neighbourhoods – including one who had a blacksmith shop on […]
More 1962-63 Candid Camera photos & overview of staff who have passed away
I can only guess what the photo on the right is about. Something to do with a sound system. Maybe at a dance? If anybody knows, we look forward to your comments. The “I have a little surprise for you” caption refers to Mr. Louis. Graeme Decarie has shared his recollection of Mr. Hill at […]
Additional MCHS 1962-63 yearbook photos. Limbo Contest. Beatniks.
I will be attempting to add one or two photos per day to the MCHS ’60s Reunion Facebook Group. I will try to keep track of the uploads through blog posts such as this one. On this page are two photos that I posted at the latter Group recently. Comments I don’t remember many high […]
Candid Camera pages at MCHS 1962-63 yearbook
Bretheren, I say to you! Regarding the photo on the right, Graeme Decarie wrote on December 28, 2014: I’ve been going through the MCHS yearbook once a day to dredge up memories that connect names to faces. With some, like Peter McAllister and Gordon Flowers and Dianne Fagg and you, I made the connection immediately. […]
Graeme Decarie has shared a recent photo of himself. We also discuss the crop tops topic.
I’m currently catching up on still photo and video projects, related to the MCHS 2015 Reunion. One of the projects concerns a recent photo of Graeme Decarie, and a photo from the MCHS 1962-63 yearbook that I had spoken about with Graeme some time ago. I will include the photo from the yearbook in a […]