Not I (2013); George Sprott (2009); The Power of Habit (2012)

These are three great books; they work together well: Not I Not I: Memoirs of a German Childhood (2013) “A portrait of an intellectually rigorous German household opposed to the Nazis and how its members suffered for their political stance.” George Sprott George Sprott: 1894-1975: A Picture Novella (2009) “The life of a small-time Canadian […]

Toronto District School Board – Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough Update: Nov. 4, 2014

The following update is from Pamela Gough’s office [You can access the following text online at the following link: Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough Update: Nov. 4, 2014. [At the latter link you can access the additional links, that are included in online text, but which I have not included in the text below.] Ward […]

Two additional messages from Harry Chan (MCHS 65) at previous MCHS post

I was pleased to open my email messages this morning and to find two great comments, via my Preserved Stories website, by Harry Chan (MCHS 65). You can access the new comments as additions to a previous post, and I’ve posted them below as well, by way of bringing your attention to them: “We had quite […]

Howard Hight and Wayne Grier travelling in Greece. The topic is MCHS 2015.

I’m very pleased to share with you this photo (right) of Howard Hight and Wayne Grier from a recent cruise in Greece. Oct. 17, 2015 MCHS Sixties Reunion Howard Hight, who lives near Boston, and Wayne Grier have been friends going back many years. Howard is a key member of the organizing group that is […]

Video of Edmonton piano man goes viral: Oct. 30, 2014 CBC article (with the link)

You can access the story here. A beautiful video it is, as is the radio interview with the videographer. An Oct. 32, 2014 CBC article provides a back story.  

St. Margaret’s Burns Dinner in New Toronto – November 8, 2014

I’m pleased to share the following message from Terence Grier. Contact me if you want to get in touch with him. Here’s the flyer (which has the address and registration details): Burns flyer 2014 Message from Terence Grier: Dear Friends: Our annual Robbie Burns Dinner This is always an enjoyable occasion. Tickets are $50 but […]

David Hulchanski’s “Three Cities Within Toronto” map closely matches the Oct. 27, 2014 ward by ward mayoral election results

David Hulchanski’s “Three Cities” map can be accessed here. An Oct. 27, 2014 CBC article that features a ward by ward map of the Oct. 27, 2014 mayoral electoral results can be accessed here. Updates, including Oct. 29, 2014 article by David Hulchanski An Oct. 29, 2014 Spacing article by David Hulchanski is entitled: “Toronto’s […]

The research defies what we’ve been told: How We Learn (2014) and The Handbook of Language Socialization (2014)

I’ve recently had the opportunity to encounter many resources that address how we absorb information. Among the resources is a book entitled How We Learn: The Surprising Truth about When, Where, and Why It Happens (2014). A blurb at the Toronto Public Library website notes: Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) “In the tradition of The […]

History of Turkey, Armenia, and the Kurdish people

By way of background about Turkey, an Oct. 21, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “ISIS fight: Outside help for Kurds in Kobani could mark turning point: Turkey to let Kurdish peshmerga fighters from Iraq cross into Syria as U.S. air-drops supplies.” An Oct. 26, 2014 Reuters article is entitled: “Syrian Kurds repulse Islamic State attack […]

Turkish Delight : Travel report by David Godley

I am pleased to share with you the following report (with photos, which I’ve inserted at random) from David Godley, who has previously written articles for this website, on topics related to urban planning as well as previous vacation trips that David has enjoyed:   Turkish Delight by David Godley Turkey may have boundaries with […]