Howard Hight and Wayne Grier travelling in Greece. The topic is MCHS 2015.

Howard Hight (left) and Wayne Grier, on a cruise holiday in Greece. Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to enlarge it further.
I’m very pleased to share with you this photo (right) of Howard Hight and Wayne Grier from a recent cruise in Greece.
Oct. 17, 2015 MCHS Sixties Reunion
Howard Hight, who lives near Boston, and Wayne Grier have been friends going back many years. Howard is a key member of the organizing group that is planning the MCHS Sixties Reunion & Sixties Celebration that will take place on Oct. 17, 2015 at Old Mill Toronto by the Humber River.
I’m currently writing a report on the Oct. 29, 2014 meeting of the reunion organizing committee, held at a Boston Pizza in Kitchener. We now have an accountant for our project, David Dodds of Hamilton, who has worked for many years with Peter Mearns of Bolton, Ontario north of Toronto. On Oct. 31, Jaan Pill and Peter Mearns met at a TD Canada Trust branch in Bolton to set up the bank account for the reunion.
I was delighted to learn that the Humber River, which runs close by Old Mill Toronto, also runs right through Bolton, where Peter Mearns has lived for 30 years, and where his children grew up.
Registration procedures
The plan is that registration fees will be sent, in the form of cheques in Canadian currency, to Diana Redden in Langley, B.C. The cheques will be made out to “MCHS 2015.”
The registration form for each attendee will be based on the contact details in the MCHS Sixties Reunion database that Howard Hight and Diana Redden have been developing in recent months.
The registration fee is $150 for single tickets and $250 per couple. That is, in the latter case, $150 applies to MCHS Sixties graduates, with $100 applying to their spouse.
Please make all payments in Canadian currency.
Please make cheques payable to MCHS 2015.
Please send your registration fee to:
Diana Redden
4487 – 222A Street
Langley, B.C.
V2Z 1B2
If you wish to add your name to the database, please contact Howard Hight at
Oct. 29, 2014 meeting in Kitchener
Further details will follow with the report based on the Oct. 29, 2014 meeting that I’m currently working on. I’ve taken a few moments off from that work in order to post these great photos of Wayne Grier and Howard Hight.
They were in the same 1963 class at Malcolm Campbell High School as three other members of the organizing committee, namely Scott Munro, Peter Mearns, and Jaan Pill. Peter Mearns had a bike accident toward the end of the 1962-63 school year, causing him to miss part of the year; he thus graduated in 1963-64. Another key organizer for MCHS 2015 is Lynn Legge, who lives in London, Ontario.

Peter Mearns (MCHS 64) is owner of Bolton Lock and Security Ltd. I will find a yearbook photo of him when I can. In the meantime, here's a photo from the Jan. 31, 2014 meeting in Toronto, where planning first got under way for the MCHS 2015 reunion. The meeting was at the Green Mango restaurant on Bloor Street West near Royal York Road. By coincidence, the restaurant is not very far from Old Mill Toronto.
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