Toronto Star endorses Russ Ford as ideal Councillor candidate in Ward 6
An Oct. 20, 2014 Toronto Star editorial notes: “We need city-builders, not more skinflints obsessed with bureaucratic gravy. Russ Ford is a strong community activist and executive director of the LAMP Community Health Centre whose slogan is: ‘Get to know a different Ford.’ He would be far more effective than incumbent Mark Grimes, a painfully low-key councillor […]
Ward 6 candidate Russ Ford runs with polarizing last name – Oct. 18, 2014 CBC article
You can read the article here. The opening paragraphs reads: “Russ Ford has learned not to take it personally when people slam doors in his face. “Sometimes I get doors slammed in my face because people think I’m one of them,” he said. The Ward 6 candidate makes it clear pretty quickly – he’s not […]
On the day the First World War was declared, Robert Home Smith opened the Old Mill Tea Room
A July 27, 2014 Etobicoke Guardian article notes that on Aug. 4, 1914 Britain declared war on Germany, automatically bringing Canada into the First World War. That was now over 100 years ago. On the same day, Robert Home Smith opened the Old Mill Tea Room in Toronto. The Tea Room is located at Old Mill […]
David Godley comments regarding “Time for courage in transit crossroads” – Oct. 10, 2014 Toronto Star
With regard to an Oct. 10, 2014 Toronto Star article by Bryan Tuckey, David Godley has submitted the following letter to the editor to the Toronto Star: Places to Grow The Building Industry group led by Bryan Tuckey is essential to creating a great city such as Toronto. The article paints a picture of how well […]
Oct. 11, 2014 Toronto Star “More voices on Oct. 27 election” includes perceptive letter from David Godley of Long Branch
The article can be accessed here. In his letter (see link above), David Godley writes: I note that author Jordan Whelan is a marketing person who can be selective of facts. John Tory’s priority is the Scarborough Subway which is not supported by experts involved directly in transportation planning. It also needs each household to […]