Trouble at the Ontario Municipal Board – article by David Godley of Long Branch (Toronto)

An April 2014 report, among others ones by David Godley at this website, can be accessed here. The following article has been written by David Godley. I have added the headings, to ensure ease of reading in the online environment. Trouble at the Ontario Municipal Board According to Toronto Councillor Mary Margaret McMahon O M […]

Supreme Court’s Tsilhqot’in First Nation ruling a game-changer for all – June 27, 2014 CBC article

Updates A July 14, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Tsilhqot’in ruling to be a focus at First Nations’ meeting in Halifax.” A Sept. 29, 2014 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Underwater discovery near Haida Gwaii could rewrite human history.” A June 17, 2015 CBC article is entitled: Documentary ‘Trick or Treaty’ aims to tell […]

Stay informed about education with Trustee Pamela Gough – simply click to reply, at this link

To access a link enabling you to receive news updates from TDSB Trustee Pamela Gough’s Office, click here.  

Many students at Malcolm Campbell High School started at Ahuntsic School

Through the Facebook Groups that I’ve joined that deal with Malcolm Campbell High School, I’ve learned many new things: Ahuntsic School “Hi Jaan, I went to Ahuntsic school , corner of St Lawrence and Henri Bourassa between 1956 -1962 then went on to MCHS. Kids from Ahuntsic and parts of Laval attended the school till […]

Buying into Fair Trade (2013) seeks to understand the ways conscientious consumers make sense of things

The concept of fair-trade coffee is among the most intellectually challenging and enjoyable-to-ponder concepts that I have come across in recent years. I’ve addressed this topic in previous posts including the following ones, among others: Truthiness, stage magic, and fair trade coffee Is there a reason to boycott fair trade coffee after reading recent research […]

If you are Sixties MCHS alumna or alumnus, consider joining these three Facebook Groups

Three Facebook Groups related to Malcolm Campbell High School (that I have learned about to date) are of interest. It’s worth your while to join these groups, and to participate in discussions (and uploading of archival photos and the like) to them: MCHS ’60s Reunion Group Malcolm Campbell High School Grads MCHS Class of ’68 […]

An MCHS mini-reunion will take place in Montreal Wednesday, August 13, 2014

There is going to be a get together of MCHS grads from the ’60s in Montreal in August to commemorate the fact that it has been 50+ years since we graduated from those hallowed halls AND that we are still here to prove it. Date: Wednesday, August 13th, 2014 Time: Happy Hour 4:30 – 7:00 […]

RE: Liberal Cabinet – Peter Milczyn’s role in the Government

We’ve previously shared a blog post focusing on the election results in Etobicoke-Lakeshore. The following message is from Peter Milczyn, MPP, Etobicoke-Lakeshore Hi all, Please view the link below for a listing of all new Parliamentary Assistants. The Premier has appointed me as the PA to the Minister of Economic Development and Infrastructure (Hon. Brad […]

The MCHS Sixties Reunion category definitely includes the 1969-70 school year

Update: The MCHS 60s Reunion is open to any person who attended or worked at the school in the 1960s. That includes people who graduated in the early 1970s. It also includes any teacher or other staff who worked there at any point in the 1960s. An overview about how we arrived at this decision […]

Cartierville School .. yes, very fond memories … NOT!!! Comment from Fred Fohring

Fred Fohring has shared with us a comment at a previous post about Cartierville school. Fred Fohring commented: Cartierville School .. yes, very fond memories … NOT!!! Family moved from Pointe Claire to Roxboro during 1956 and I was bussed to Cartierville. Must have been very dull trips every day as I only recall getting […]