Portrait by Gaby of Malcolm A. Campbell features dramatic low key lighting

An impressive portrait of Malcolm A. Campbell by a Montreal photographer named Gaby is featured in the 1963-64 Malcolm Campbell High School annual. When I looked at the portrait, I thought at once: “Film noir, 1940s black and white movies.” The reason I tuned into this was that a Technology of Film course that I […]

By a single MCHS Sixties Reunion ticket we mean a ticket for one person, whether single or married

I’ve recently had some great phone and email discussions, in part about definitions of terms. First, we’re gonna have a great time A couple of people who attended the 2000 MCHS reunion in Montreal said that they really, really enjoyed that event – the old time music from the Sixties, the dancing, and everything else. […]

Price for MCHS Sixties Reunion tickets now tentatively set at $125 [final figure: $150] single, $200 [final figure: $250] per couple

Peter Mearns and Jaan Pill met on June 9, 2014 at a Tim Horton on Lake Shore Blvd. West in Long Branch (south Etobicoke) not far from the Fair Grounds Cafe at Twenty Fourth Street and Lake Shore. At the end of this post I’ll share Peter’s story about the arrival of Mr. Edelstein at the […]

Many means are available for study of fair trade coffee

Among the academic lenses available for study of fair trade coffee is ethnographic research. Ethnography is similar to the work of a reporter or documentary maker but within a prescribed academic framework. The level of detail, however, and the amount of immersion into everyday life, appears greater than what a reporter would deal with. Ethnographic […]

From trust to compliance: Accountability in the fair trade movement (2013)

Fair trade coffee is of interest to me, as a brand and in terms of recent research associated with it. I’ve previously posted an abstract of an article co-authored by Eileen Davenport. Another article she has co-authored is: Eileen Davenport, William Low, (2013) “From trust to compliance: accountability in the fair trade movement”, Social Enterprise […]

The labour behind the (Fair Trade) label (2012)

Given my interest in fair trade coffee  – as a brand and back story – I was interested to read an abstract for a recent research report entitled “The labour behind the (Fair Trade) label (2012).” The full reference is: Eileen Davenport, Will Low, (2012) “The labour behind the (Fair Trade) label”, critical perspectives on international business, […]

Helicopter-proofing: Many older jails are classified as heritage sites: Costs of performing upgrades unsustainable

Stories that deal with heritage sites are of interest to many people. A June 8, 2014 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Modern prisons designed to prevent helicopter jailbreaks, expert says.” The article notes that newer jails have design features that provide a measure of protection against helicopter breakouts. It adds that many of the […]

Update regarding comments related to format for MCHS Sixties Reunion

It’s great to be getting feedback from many sources regarding the ideal setup for the Malcolm Campbell High School Sixties Reunion, taking place October 17, 2015 in Toronto. Here’s what we have so far, regarding some key concepts related to the format: Should reunion be by classes or one big group? Several people have offered […]

Jim Carr helped us to identify the Henderson motorcycle in 1927 Etobicoke Creek photo

Jim Carr, who passed away suddenly on June 3, 2014, some time back helped us to identify the make of the motorcycle – a Henderson – in a 1927 photo taken by the radial railway bridge at Etobicoke Creek. We’re assuming it was taken in 1927 because, as Mike James of Brampton has pointed out, […]

Statutory Open House regarding Development Permit System – June 9, 2014 at Metro Hall

I’ve posted a number of previous posts regarding the Development Permit System. See the link in previous sentence and the next link below. The following message is from the Lakeshore Planning Council: City of Toronto – Statutory Open House There will be a Statutory Open House held on Monday, June 9, 2014 from 4 p.m. […]