The NOW story – Disappearing Toronto – warrants a close read
I was delighted – as were many other people – to read the recent NOW story It’s wonderful and a strong source of inspiration to know of the heritage stories that turn out well. Also with regard to Mimico, this evening I met with Brenda Bloore and other organizers of the Mimico Jane’s Walk scheduled […]
Tree Walks and Jane’s Walks offer great opportunities for social media applications
The Jane’s Walks being planned for May 2012 in Long Branch, New Toronto, Mimico, and elsewhere will include a social media component. When we attended a Humber Valley Tree Walk in 2011, organized in commemoration of Hurricane Hazel, we video recorded brief segments of the walk and posted some of them to Facebook. Every tree tour needs a tour director to […]
The Journal of Fluency Disorders is a great resource for research related to stuttering
Abstracts from recent issues of the Journal of Fluency Disorders offer a great way to keep up to date on recent research about stuttering. The abstracts also offer highlights regarding recent research about the available treatment options for fluency disorders — including stuttering as well as cluttering. Science Direct also offers abstracts for a wide […]
In the mid-1980s, young Calgary lawyer Michael Niven was out of a job because of a severe stutter
In the mid-1980s, young Calgary lawyer Michael Niven was out of a job because of a severe stutter. He attended a three-week speech clinic in Edmonton, returned to Calgary, and set up his own highly successful law firm. He’s one of the co-founders of the Canadian Stuttering Association. He was MC at the recent 25th Anniversary […]
Todd Saunders has built remarkable structures on Fogo Island, Newfoundland
I was very impressed with the following correction in a recent New York Times article entitled “The 41 Places to Go in 2011.” The correction read as follows: “The cover article on Jan. 9 about the 41 places to go in 2011 gave the incorrect nationality of an architect who is designing a series of […]
The three-minute (well, actually six-minute) talk at the ISTAR 25th anniversary event went beautifully
I much enjoyed the ISTAR 25th anniversary event in Edmonton on March 3, 2012. Here are some comments regarding the presentation, which I’ve described in previous blog posts, that I made in Edmonton, as one of several spaekers: “The delivery of your presentation was just great. You were so relaxed and had a great connection […]
Reconsidering Jane Jacobs (2011) offers an overview of her work and legacy
Reconsidering Jane Jacobs (2011) offers a good introduction to Jane Jacob’s work. This book, available at the Toronto Public Library, offers a valuable overview of her life, her growth as a writer, and her legacy. The essays include a fascinating overview of her wide-ranging work as a writer (reaching both general and academic audiences) prior to […]
Barn in background of 1920s Long Branch photo appears to be located on the Smith homestead
(Photo credit: Doris Durance. © Durance family and Robert Lansdale.) Left to right in photo above: Connie Durance, Cyril Durance, George Durance, Rene Durance, and Florence Morrel. We owe thanks to Barbara Durance for sharing this photo, taken about 1925, with us. The image we have posted is from a 3-inch wide, highly faded photo from the 1920s. Robert […]
May 6, 2012 Long Branch walk has been posted to Jane’s Walk website
We owe thanks to Councillor Grimes’ office for suggesting this walk and to Mike James for agreeing so readily to serve as as a leader on this walk. We owe thanks to Ruth Grier for sharing information from her May 2010 Long Branch Jane’s Walk and to David Switzer for letting us know that there’s a distinction between […]