Etobicoke York Community Council has adopted recommendation regarding intent to designate 58 Wheatfield Road under Ontario Heritage Act; property has now been sold

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Please support the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association in its vital messaging; please send an email today in favour of responsible development, but not development at any cost

I am pleased to share the following message from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association: Hi Long Branch Neighbours The Association wanted to share with you the Toronto Star story about intensification on Saturday, March 16 [2019] where the LBNA was quoted. Click here to read the article > As we have 11 ongoing TLAB hearings, […]

Dave Foss, who attended Cartierville School in the 1960s, sends greetings from South Texas to fellow students from the school

Early 1900s buildings featuring documented strong heritage attributes, such as one at 58 Wheatfield Road in Mimico, are ideal candidates for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act

Charlotte Sheasby-Coleman of Mimico has written a most impressive letter concerning 58 Wheatfield Road and the Mimico Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment

I am pleased to have the opportunity to share a most impressive letter from Charlotte Sheasby-Coleman of Mimico to the Etobicoke York Community Council: Subject: Re: Mimico Heritage Considerations – 58 Wheatfield Road and the Mimico Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 6:38 PM To: Etobicoke Community Council <> Dear Chair […]

David Godley of Long Branch has also sent a letter (succinct and with a great citation) in support of designation of 58 Wheatfield Road

I am pleased to share the following letter regarding 58 Wheatfield Road from David Godley: To the Chair and Members of Etobicoke York Community Council, I have spent the last 10 of my retirement years fighting to keep the character of Lakeshore neighbourhoods. I ask you to designate 58 Wheatfield Road to conserve the character […]

Bill Zufelt of Toronto offers well-informed commentary in support of designation of 58 Wheatfield Road in Mimico under Ontario Heritage Act

A previous post is entitled: 58 Wheatfield Road in Mimico – intention to designate under Ontario Heritage Act – goes to March 19, 2019 community council meeting; new letters (if you have not yet written) will be most helpful As the post notes, letters should be addressed to “Chair and Members of Etobicoke York Community […]

In Dark Age Ahead (2004), Jane Jacobs outlines, with a sense of despair, as well as of hope, how we can protect and strengthen our culture and communities

A previous post is entitled: Investing in cultural cohesion and preservation can help rebuild cities devastated by war or natural disasters, says a new World Bank report – March 12, 2019 CityLab article I have an interest in the history of land-use decision making, a history that dates back millions of years. Human beings have […]

Investing in cultural cohesion and preservation can help rebuild cities devastated by war or natural disasters, says a new World Bank report – March 12, 2019 CityLab article

A March 12, 2019 CityLab article is entitled: “After War or Disaster, Cities Need Culture to Recover.” The subtitle reads: “Investing in cultural cohesion and preservation can help rebuild cities devastated by war or natural disasters, says a new World Bank report.” The opening paragraphs of the CityLab article (I’ve included the original links, embedded […]

“She changed us and now she is changing a great many other people.” Introducing Greta Thunberg – Guardian, March 11, 2019

“She changed us and now she is changing a great many other people. There was no hint of this in her childhood. It’s unbelievable. If this can happen, anything can happen.” The quote is from a March 11, 2019 Guardian article, entitled: “Greta Thunberg, schoolgirl climate change warrior. Another excerpt reads: Greta was exceptionally bright. […]