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189 search results for: stratford


History begins with definition of terms

At a recent post, I began to write about my approach, as a layperson, to reading about history: Article by Andres Kasekamp: “Fascism by Popular Initiative: The Rise and Fall of the Vaps Movement in Estonia” (2015) In his 2015 article, Kasekamp comments (p. 156): “Using Stanley Payne’s typology of fascism [3], I have previously argued […]


Message from David Godley of Long Branch regarding final approval of OPA 320

A previous post is entitled: Settlement reached regarding City of Toronto Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 320 – You can access text and PDF at this post Now settled in at Stratford, I continue to follow with interest events in Long Branch, where I lived for twenty-one years. It is most interesting to be keeping up […]


David Godley’s Long Branch Update – January 2019

You can access David Godley’s January 2018 Long Branch update here: david godley jan 2019 I don’t always get around to posting his updates, having moved to Stratford but sometimes I post them. The email from David has two Word documents which I’ve converted to PDFs: OPA320 Rogalski[1] 11stantlabpres1[1] Conversion of emails to PDF: Convenience; […]


Great review of Supernatural Environments in Shakespeare’s England: Spaces of Demonism, Divinity, and Drama (2014)

Previous posts related to Stratford, and other topics related to the current post, include: Power of a vision: Tom Patterson, who launched the Stratford Festival, and Jim Tovey, who launched Inspiration Lakeview, each visualized what could be Background reading helps a person better understand the larger story, within which local history everywhere is embedded To […]


Totalitarian Art (1990, 2011): Igor Golomstock argues that state-controlled art in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Soviet Russia shared identical features

Initially, I was not all that impressed with Totalitarian Art (1990, 2011) but after reading a couple of online reviews of the book, and an online obituary for the book’s author Igor Golomstock, I am more impressed – impressed enough, that is, that I have made a point of reading the book from start two […]