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243 search results for: small arms


Sept. 17, 2013 Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Informational Open House at Long Branch Legion

The following information is from Councillor Mark Grimes’ website: [I have added a link (see below) to an interview I did with Mississauga Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey in August 2013. I have also broken the single concluding paragraph in the original into shorter paragraphs.]   Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Informational Open House Posted September […]


Evil Men (2013)

The following blurb at the Toronto Public Library website highlights a study by James Dawes – presented in a fractured structuring of transcripts and commentary – entitled Evil Men: Presented with accounts of genocide and torture, we ask how people could bring themselves to commit such horrendous acts. A searching meditation on our all-too-human capacity for […]


David Switzer comments regarding the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment project

David Switzer of Long Branch has given me permission to share his overview of the current stage of the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment project. David Switzer comments: I am satisfied with the revised plan that cobbles only part of the sandy beach for which we get a large natural habitat. My area of concern […]


August 11, 2013 interview with Jim Tovey, Ward 1 Councillor in Mississauga, regarding Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project

Update (Dec. 9, 2014): There has been discussion in the past for the soil that is being removed from the Hanlan Project to be used for Inspiration Lakeview as part of the process of extending the shoreline southward into Lake Ontario. In that regard, things have changed a bit, as I understand. Here’s my current […]


Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment project features extensive community engagement

As a follow-up to a recent post regarding community engagement processes connected with the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment project, below is an excerpt [to which I have added notes in square brackets] from an August 12, 2013 email message from Kate Hayes, Manager, Ecosystem Restoration, Credit Valley Conservation. Excerpt from August 12, 2013 message from […]


What is worth preserving?

What is worth preserving? Our attitudes toward ruins and historically significant buildings and cultural landscapes have a relationship to a wider conversation about what matters. After the Second World War, destruction of heritage properties and landscapes was the norm in much of the world, a practice which in some cases continues today. Jane Jacobs among […]


Genocide qualifies as a systematic object for social science: Zygmunt Bauman (1989)

Previous blog posts at the Preserved Stories website have addressed social history in the context of deindustrialization and documentary making. I’ve also shared highlights from studies addressing history and social theory in the context of postmodernity and a return to narration. As well, I’ve shared information related to military history and the relation between instrumental reason and modernity. The […]


Workers, Warriors, and Weapons: Open House at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East, Saturday, September 29, 2012, 10:10 am – 4:00 pm

Meet them all right here … Workers, warriors, and weapons I happened to read this banner while riding my bicycle in the neighbourhood. Usually I ride along the Waterfront Trail from Long Branch to Port Credit or thereabouts and back. On a recent ride, I changed my route to have a look at the Small Arms Building. […]