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1877 search results for: new toronto


Pamela Gough will employ creative housing solutions to tackle Etobicoke’s growing affordability crisis

“”We know that affordability is a major problem in Toronto,” Pamela Gough notes in a recent interview. “Housing affordability is a really major problem.” Newcomers to Toronto are finding it extremely difficult to find appropriate accommodation that fits their budget. “And many of us,” Gough says, “who have the good fortune to already be established […]


Three Ward 3 Candidates – Pamela Gough, Iaian Davis, and Amber Morley – answer questions about cyclist and pedestrian safety

A previous post is entitled: In her third campaign item, Pamela Gough addresses pedestrian and cycling safety I recently received a copy of the Oct. 18, 2018 TCAT newsletter. TCAT is the acronym for the Toronto Centre for Active Transportation. Click here to access the Oct. 18, 2018 TCAT newsletter > Results of “Build the […]


David Juliusson comments on demolition of the house, built in 1927, where Marie Curtis lived when she served as Reeve of the Village of Long Branch

The purpose of the current post is to bring attention to the demolition, in June 2018, of the former house of Marie Curtis, who many years ago served as a celebrated, highly regarded elected official at the Village of Long Branch. That is to say, David Juliusson of Long Branch has added a comment at […]


I became a supporter of Pamela Gough in 2011, when she played a key role in ensuring that Parkview School, near the Long Branch Go station, stayed in public hands

I became a supporter of Pamela Gough in 2011, when she played a key role in ensuring that Parkview School, at 85 Forty First St. near the Long Branch Go station, stayed in public hands. In any such successful community self-organizing project, many people usually play a key role. That is the nature of such […]


In the first two items in her campaign platform, Pamela Gough addresses neighbourhood character & creative solutions to tackle housing affordability crisis

In two previous posts, I include links to two video clips in which Pamela Gough introduces the first two key items, in her campaign platform: Key Campaign Item No. 1: Pamela Gough will fight over-height development & excessive densities Key Campaign Item No. 2: Pamela Gough highlights key housing solutions to tackle Etobicoke’s growing affordability […]