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338 search results for: Fort York
Newsletter from the Friends of Fort York & Garrison Common features items of interest related to blurbs and slogans
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI have been following the newsletter from Friends of Fort York & Garrison Common for some years. I find the newsletter contents of interest, on occasions when I get around to reading it. I also think a larger point size for the text – say, Adobe Caslon Pro 11, 11.5 or even 12 – in […]
March 2017 newsletter of Friends of Fort York can be accessed here
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThe March 2017 issue of the Friends of Fort York newsletter can be accessed here. The opening paragraphs of the opening article read: “The first Fort York, built by John Graves Simcoe in 1793, had mostly been demolished by the end of the eighteenth century. When in 1987 archaeologists investigating a feature in the area […]
Vimy Ridge Weekend at Fort York – Saturday, April 8, 2017 and Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 10 am to 5 pm
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillClick here for previous posts about the First World War > The following information is from the Events at Fort York page at the City of Toronto website. The link in the previous sentence includes a detailed timetable of events. Vimy Ridge Weekend at Fort York – Saturday, April 8, 2017 and Sunday, April 9, 2017 […]
Send an email or make a phone call if you agree Historic Fort York should remain open on Canada Day
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillWe have received word that Historic Fort York is slated to be closed for Canada Day, for reasons explained in the sample text for a letter of protest that we invite you to send, regarding this matter. Send your letters (generally, that means emails) to Bernard Trottier and Larry Ostala. Larry Ostola is the Director […]
Fife and Drum newsletter from Friends of Fort York – December 2014
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillYou can access the newsletter here: fife-and-drum-dec-2014 A text accompanying the newsletter reads: “Please find attached the latest edition of Fife and Drum, published by the Friends of Fort York. This issue features articles on the new park which will open north of the Fort when the pedestrian-cycle bridge is built, and the canvass houses […]
Fort York Visitor Centre exhibit includes photos of the Long Branch Aerodrome and aerial shots of Long Branch
/0 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI was very pleased to recently receive emails from David Juliusson and Michael Harrison in connection with John Boyd’s album of First World War photographs. You can access the album at the Toronto Archives at this link. When you click on the photos they don’t enlarge very well but you do get a general idea […]
Recipe for Victory Great War Food Symposium – at Fort York on Sept. 28, 2014
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillWe are pleased to share the following notice from David Juliusson: Recipe For Victory Great War Food Symposium at Fort York Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Early Bird Fee (Until September 12): $65 Regular Fee: $75 (prices include HST) In partnership with the Culinary Historians of Canada, Fort York presents a special […]
Fort York hopes music fests and fun events garner love of history – Toronto Star, July 14, 2014
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI enjoy visiting Fort York and learning about its history. Earlier posts about the site include, by way of example: Citizenship Ceremony at Fort York, April 26, 2013 featured sharing of thoughts about what it means to be a Canadian What can we learn about evidence-based practice when we read about Tecumseh? December 2013 Friends […]