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124 search results for: cartierville school
New comment regarding Cartierville School in Montreal
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillA new comment has been added to the post entitled: Cartierville School in Montreal. The comment – which I’m featuring as a separate post, by way of bringing attention to it, is from Frances Ipsen (nee Oppenheimer) and reads: Hello everyone Gosh I have fond memories of Cartierville School.. Teachers that I remember asise from […]
Ted de Clercq attended Cartierville School in Montreal from 1951 to 1956
/2 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillClick here for previous posts about Cartierville School > At a post entitled Cartierville School in Montreal, which was set up on March 1, 2014, Ted de Clercq has recently shared the following comment. I have posted his comment as a separate post, as a way to bring attention to it. Ted’s comment is the […]
The French Immersion program Claire attended in 1970-71 may indeed have been at Cartierville School
/1 Comment/in MCHS Stories, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillA previous post is entitled: Question from Claire: Is this the same Cartierville School that I attended 1970-71 in its first year as a “French Immersion School”? I have added an update to the latter post; the update reads as follows below. I have posted the update as a separate post, the post you are […]
Chapter 1: Cartierville School in Montreal
/2 Comments/in Autobiography Stories - J. Pill, MCHS 2015 Biographies, MCHS Stories, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillIn a previous post, I’ve discussed Graeme Decarie’s recommendation that Malcolm Campbell High School grads start working on their Autobiography Stories. A short version of a part of my story appears in a post entitled: MCHS bio for Jaan Pill, class of ’63 Below is a draft of another part of the autobiography story that I’ve […]