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13 search results for: elmgrove school


Cartierville School brings to mind other Montreal schools – Parkdale, Elmgrove, Morison, Laurentide, High School of Montreal, and Malcolm Campbell High School

Updates A May 2017 CBC interactive webpage is entitled: “Montreal is 375 years old, but how old are its buildings?” A May 17, 2017 Montreal Gazette article is entitled: “Montreal’s history did not start 375 years ago.” [End]   I was very pleased to receive a comment from Yvonne regarding a previous post about Cartierville […]


Question from Claire: Is this the same Cartierville School that I attended 1970-71 in its first year as a “French Immersion School”?

Updates – Part 1: Spiro Couris (please see Comment below) has noted that the school that Claire refers to was Elmgrove. Jean Anne Mason Ouelle, in an additional Comment, has also affirmed that the school was Elmgrove. By way of an additional update on the discussion, I also want to note that there has been a […]


MCHS Bio for Graeme Decarie, who taught for three years at Malcolm Campbell High School

Born into pretty severe poverty in Montreal’s Villeray district. (1933 was a bad year to be born.) Attended Crystal Springs School, a four-room school built to the same design as the original version of Cartierville School. Failed grade 10, was failing grade 11 when principal called me down to say, “Let’s face it, Decarie, you […]