Albert McFadden seeks information about families living at Long Branch Army Camp in 1950s
Albert McFadden has given me permission to share the following message, from him:
I believe my family (mother and 4 children) lived in the barracks in 1954 when Hurricane Hazel hit the area. The following day a bunch of us may have explored the aftermath of the storm and I remember seeing houses either floating on or partially underwater in what seemed like a small valley/hilly area close by. I remember there were communal showers/toilets and that the buildings were possible t-shaped or l-shaped on one level. There was a huge house nearby that caught fire and may have burnt to the ground around the same time.
Is there any information about the families living there and their names? I seem to recall a Black family with the name of Modesty (or something similar) living there. There may have been a large playing field there that may have had a building with 2 or more stories as I recall there being a stairway. The lake was nearby with a sandbar off shore. I recall rolling around on the ground with another boy near a pond and was afraid that we might roll into it as I could not swim.
Thank you for any info you may have or somewhere can direct me to that might be helpful. I was born in April 1948 and we may have moved there around 1954. Not sure if we were there for as long as a year as I don’t recall anything concerning going to school.
Albert McFadden.
Aug. 5, 2018 interviews about Long Branch Army Camp

Left to right, Ted Long, Patrick Long, and Garry Burke outside Small Arms Inspection Building at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East, Aug. 5, 2018. Jaan Pill photo. Click on the photo to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further.
With prior permission from him, I have shared Albert McFadden’s email address with Garry Burke, Patrick Long, and Ted Long, who are featured at the following recent post:
Seeking information about the Pleasant Valley Mobile Home Park in Mississauga
When time permits in future, I will post reports based on my Aug. 5, 2018 interviews with Garry Burke, Patrick Long, and Ted Long.
Good afternoon Jaan; It has been some time since we last spoke. re; the request for info concerning the Pleasant Valley Trailer Park. I am not certain what is needed but I lived in the area until the park was demolished. If you have a question {s}I will try to help.
Regards, David Webster
PS. I now live in Barrie.
Good afternoon David – it was great to speak with you some years ago. I will be transcribing the interview, that we did at that time. That will be part of the work I’ll be doing, in preparing a book about local history along the Lake Ontario waterfront.
We have moved as well; we’ve sold our house in Long Branch and are working with a real estate company, Home and Company Realty, to purchase a new home in Stratford, Ontario. I will continue to write about Long Branch history, even though we have moved. I’ve gathered a great deal of really interesting material, by way of interviews and other materials, during the 21 years we lived in Long Branch.
I’ll give Wilfred Laurier University student, who is doing research about the Pleasant Valley Trailer Park. I’m sure she will be pleased to know that you would be able to answer any questions, that she may have, about the history of the trailer park.
Jaan Pill
Happy to assist Jaan. Lauren is welcome to contact me at any time.