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1001 search results for: Long Branch


Work has begun on poster, for May 5, 2018 Jane’s Walk led by MPP Peter Milczyn, starting at 10:30 am at Lake Shore Blvd. West & Long Branch Ave.

A previous post is entitled: Work has begun on Jane’s Walk in Long Branch, led by MPP Peter Milczyn, starting 10:30 am on May 5, 2018 By way of sharing the next steps that are involved, in the staging of a Jane’s Walk, below is a draft of a text that I’ve developed, in consultation […]


Heritage Bike Ride in Long Branch (that is, a Jane’s Ride/Walk) takes place on May 6, 2018

Updates Click here to access walk details at Jane’s Walk Toronto Facebook page > The walk is also listed for Sunday, May 6, 2018 at the Jane’s Walk Toronto website. [End] The Long Branch Neighbourhood Association has asked David Juliusson of Long Branch to help organize a Jane’s Walk/Ride for May 6, 2018. He has contacted […]


Work has begun on Jane’s Walk in Long Branch, led by MPP Peter Milczyn, starting 10:30 am on May 5, 2018

A previous Jane’s Walk led by Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn has been highlighted at two previous posts from May 2015: Spaghetti Junction – The Farewell Tour: 10:30 am, Saturday, May 2, 2015 Jane’s Walk hosted and led by MPP Peter Milczyn May 2, 2015 Jane’s Walks: (1) Spaghetti Junction – The Farewell Tour; (2) New […]


Long Branch Character Guidelines seek to disrupt rampant lot-splitting: Character Guidelines document highly significant in the history Long Branch, writes Jaan Pill (Etobicoke Guardian, April 10, 2018)

An April 10, 2018 opinion article in the Etobicoke Guardian is entitled: “Long Branch Character Guidelines seek to disrupt rampant lot-splitting: Character Guidelines document highly significant in the history Long Branch, writes Jaan Pill.” Commentary I am currently typing up additional transcripts, from the Nov. 14, 2017 Etobicoke York Community Council meeting, mentioned in the […]


Councillor Sarah Doucette was final speaker, prior to Nov. 14, 2017 Etobicoke York Community Council vote, regarding Long Branch Character Guidelines

The following transcript is part of a package of links appearing at a previous post regarding the Nov. 14, 2017 meeting at which the Etobicoke York Community Council unanimously adopted the Long Branch Character Guidelines. Before the vote, on a motion regarding the Guidelines, two Councillors –  Mark Grimes (Ward 6) and Sarah Doucette (Ward 13) spoke. […]


Councillor Mark Grimes sums it up, prior to Nov. 14, 2017 Etobicoke York Community Council vote, regarding Long Branch Character Guidelines

A previous post is entitled: On Nov. 14, 2017, Etobicoke York Community Council unanimously adopted Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines; on Jan. 31, 2018, Toronto Council also unanimously adopted them The following transcript is part of a package of links appearing at the above-noted previous post regarding the Nov. 14, 2017 meeting at which the Etobicoke […]


Nov. 14, 2017 meeting regarding Long Branch Character Guidelines made for great political theatre; review of YouTube video is in the works

I was pleased to have the opportunity to hear the deputations, at an Etobicoke York Community Council meeting that was held on Nov. 14, 2017, regarding the adoption of the Long Branch Character Guidelines. Click here for YouTube video which includes the Nov/ 14, 2017 Character Guidelines deputations > The presentations (pro and con) were followed […]