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277 search results for: blurb


Perceptions of warmth and competence drive our stereotypes: Cuddy et al. (2008)

This post deals with bias and prejudice. I first highlight a recent Guardian article, after which I outline recent academic research related to the dynamics of bias and prejudice. An Aug. 16, 2016 Guardian article is entitled: “The dark history of Donald Trump’s rightwing revolt.” The subhead reads: “The Republican intellectual establishment is united against […]


Nicolas Hénin, author of Jihad Academy (2015), is featured in a Feb. 16, 2016 CBC The Current interview. Here is a link to the transcript.

Nicolas Hénin is author of Jihad Academy: A Former ISIS Hostage and Veteran Middle East Journalist Explores Misperceptions of Islamic State and Their Consequences (2015). A February 16, 2016 CBC The Current transcript of an interview with Hénin can be accessed here. The interview is of interest. If I recall correctly, I decided to borrow the book, from […]


Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics and the Making of Modern Venezuela (2015)

In previous posts I have spoken about Venezuela. Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics and the Making of Modern Venezuela (2015) is a valuable additional resource regarding the history of Venezuela. A publisher’s blurb (which I’ve broken into shorter paragraphs) for the book reads: In the mid-1950s, in an effort to modernize Venezuela, the military government […]


Studies regarding mass killing during Guatemalan civil war

A Jan. 6, 2015 Guardian article is entitled: “Ex-Guatemalan officials arrested over civil war killings and abuses” The subhead is entitled: “The suspects face charges of crimes against humanity involving massacres and disappearances of people by security forces under their command.” A Jan. 16, 2016 New York Times article is entitled: “Guatemala Arrests Former Military Officers […]


The Past, Present and Future of Falun Gong. A lecture by Benjamin Penny at the National Library of Australia, 2001

I’ve recently been reading The Religion of Falun Gong (2012) by Benjamin Perry. A blurb for the book at the Toronto Public Library reads: “In July 1999, a mere seven years after the founding of the religious movement known as the Falun Gong, the Chinese government banned it. Falun Gong is still active in other […]