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277 search results for: blurb


How writer Suki Kim embedded herself among North Korea’s elite – Dec. 18, 2014 CBC The Current

Updates: A Feb. 25, 2017 Atlantic article is entitled: “The Meaning of Kim Jong Nam’s Murder: His death has punctured the myth of the Kims’ holy bloodline.” A Feb. 28, 2017 CBC article is entitled: “Friendship on the rocks? China, North Korea clash over nuclear and chemical weapons: North Korea’s reaction was so strong that some Chinese […]


The value of first-hand accounts, presented within an evidence-based, fact-checked, corroborated context

An Oct. 16, 2014 article at the Times Higher Education website is entitled: “Born in the GDR: Living in the Shadow of the Wall, by Hester Vaizey.” I learned of this text from an Oxford University Press Twitter account that I follow; I found the article of interest, particularly this comment: “These first-hand accounts confirm […]


CBC list of top health news stories of 2014

A Dec. 28, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “What weight loss, drinking water and pot had in common in 2014.” Below are some highlights from the above-mentioned article, along with updates regarding a range of topics from several sources. The evidence is not necessarily congruent with commonly held understandings. Scientific evidence stands in contrast to […]


The nation-state circa 1950 is described as unencumbered by international obligations, co-operation, and constraint

The quotation is: ” Its focus is the nation-state circa 1950, romantically unencumbered by international obligations, co-operation and constraint.” That’s one way to characterize the 1950s. The source is a Dec. 3, 2014 article at entitled: “UKIP is the formation of a new political elite – nothing more.” Conceptualizations of the 1950s My purpose in […]


Sherry B. Ortner has emphasized “bridge making between theoretical and methodological divisions within anthro­pology.”

When I’m working on other projects, as a diversion I like to read about the great anthropologists of our time. I recently came across Fifty Key Anthropologists (2011). The blurb (I have added italics to the title) at the Toronto Public Library website for the book notes: “Fifty Key Anthropologists surveys the life and work of some […]