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277 search results for: blurb


Author Note: John Huston

The following Author Note is from a Toronto Public Library blurb for The Maltese Falcon: John Huston, Director (1995). I’ve been studying The Maltese Falcon (1941) as part of a Technology of Film (1) course at Ryerson University. Another relevant resource is Discovering The Maltese Falcon and Sam Spade: The Evolution of Dashiell Hammett’s Masterpiece, […]


“Was It Worth It?” Canadian Intervention in Afghanistan and Perceptions of Success and Failure – Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1

The article that is the topic of this post notes that Sean M. Maloney, PhD, teaches History at the Royal Military College of Canada, and has also taught extensively in its War Studies Program. He is currently the historical advisor to the Canadian Army for the war in Afghanistan. His article, “‘Was It Worth It?’ […]


Status Update: Celebrity, Publicity, and Branding in the Social Media Age (Alice E. Marwick, 2013)

Status Update (2013) addresses status and branding as it relates to social media. Alice Marwick argues in this study that the evidence indicates that with social media, things aren’t necessarily as they appear. The blurb for Status Update (2013) at the Toronto Public Library website reads: Social media technologies such as YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook […]


Modern empire was not an aberrant supplement to the history of modernity but rather its constituent part (Partha Chatterjee, 2012)

“Modern empire was not an aberrant supplement to the history of modernity but rather its constituent part.” These words are from the preface of The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power (2012) by Partha Chatterjee. What conceptual framework drove the British to establish themselves in Long Branch? The above-noted book […]


“We have met the enemy … and he is us” (Cowboys & Aliens, 2011; The War of the Worlds, 1938)

For a course, which I much enjoyed, in film and sound editing that I’ve recently completed at Ryerson University, I’ve submitted a final assigned paragraph – which I’ve broken into shorter paragraphs for posting to this website – concerning the editing of a scene from a movie that I’ve chosen for analysis. Altogether, we were […]


Canadians more attached to their country than people of any other advanced democracy on Earth: survey (Toronto Star, Dec. 7, 2013)

A Dec. 7, 2013 Toronto Start article is entitled: “Canada: It really is our home and native land.” The subhead reads: “Canadians are more attached to their country than the people of any other advanced democracy on Earth: survey.” Although the headline doesn’t reflect this theme, the article also refers to research suggesting that “the […]