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291 search results for: public relations


Trees for Life is concerned with the health value of trees

Whenever I hear about a project such as Trees for Life, I attend very closely. The following information is from an October 26, 2012 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) document (pp. 58-61), which you can access by clicking on the following link: AuthorityAgenda#08-12_October26_2012 I recently attended an all-day conference in Toronto based on the […]


Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough’s Update November 7, 2012

The following message is from Wagdin, Debbie <> sent on behalf of Trustee Pamela Gough: Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough’s Update November 7, 2012 This is a special issue of the newsletter to update you on the possibility of strike action in high schools resulting from provincially-led labour relations issues. At last Saturday’s People for Education […]


Ontario Energy Board consumer awareness campaign

A previous blog post referred to energy scammers. By way of a follow-up on this item, I’m pleased to share with you the text of a news release from the Ontario Energy Board regarding energy scams: OEB_news_release_campaign_2012.08.13 We owe thanks to Phil Gray for bringing this topic, and this news release, to our attention. News […]


Communication power (2009) by Manuel Castells

Update: It may be added that the concept of a networked society is appealing but has limitations. [End of update]   I’ve borrowed a Toronto Public Library copy of Communication power (2009) by Manuel Castells. I borrowed it after reading Burke (2005). As noted in the latter link, Castells argues that networks constitute the new ‘social […]


Macfie’s overview (2002) of orientalism highlights the forces of individualism

In Orientalism (2002), Alexander Lyon Macfie analyzes the ongoing debate regarding orientalism. This blog post will highlight Macfie’s definition of and his concluding comments regarding orientalism. His comments in the book’s concluding chapter highlight the role of individualism, a topic that appears to be of relevance in relation to the emergence of postmodernity and postmodernism. Definitions […]


Methodological individualism, network analysis, and the emergence of postmodernity

Peter Burke’s History and social theory, second edition (2005) deals with links between history and social theory. The book has been discussed in other blog posts, which can be found in the Historiography category at this website. Imagination in historical practice Reading this book has vastly enhanced and clarified my understanding of the role — and […]