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353 search results for: omb review


CBC The Current: Income inequality shows the 1% will soon own 50% of all wealth, says Oxfam

Updates: A Jan. 29, 2016 Guardian article is entitled: “Was there ever a time when so few people controlled so much wealth?” An April 5, 2016 Foreign Policy article is entitled: “Taxpayers of the World, Unite! The Panama Papers confirm that the world’s elite cheat, lie, and steal. Will the masses finally do something about […]


CBC list of top health news stories of 2014

A Dec. 28, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “What weight loss, drinking water and pot had in common in 2014.” Below are some highlights from the above-mentioned article, along with updates regarding a range of topics from several sources. The evidence is not necessarily congruent with commonly held understandings. Scientific evidence stands in contrast to […]


The research defies what we’ve been told: How We Learn (2014) and The Handbook of Language Socialization (2014)

I’ve recently had the opportunity to encounter many resources that address how we absorb information. Among the resources is a book entitled How We Learn: The Surprising Truth about When, Where, and Why It Happens (2014). A blurb at the Toronto Public Library website notes: Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) “In the tradition of The […]