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115 search results for: Russia


Bill Browder’s testimony; significance of Magnitsky Act; Mikhail Lesin’s death

Magnitsky Act A July 25, 2017 Atlantic article is entitled: “Bill Browder’s Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee: “I hope that my story will help you understand the methods of Russian operatives in Washington and how they use U.S. enablers to achieve major foreign policy goals without disclosing those interests,” Browder writes.” A July 27, […]


Ideology and evidence-based practice

Below are links that may be of interest. I have long had an interest in evidence and evidence-based practice. The value of evidence has been of interest for me for two reasons. First, as a reporter, I have learned the value of evidence, as it is practised in traditional print journalism. Secondly, I’ve had the […]


Some links regarding empathy

At a page at this website dealing with mindfulness meditation, I’ve shared a comment about empathy. In order to bring attention to the comment, I have created the current blog post. The comment reads: Empathy A July 12, 2012 Wired article is entitled: “Compassion over empathy could help prevent emotional burnout.” A June 3, 2013 […]


Not a good day, some days ago: Graeme Decarie, who taught history at Concordia University for many years, shares thoughts about mass murders

I’m just catching up with posting of a message from Graeme Decarie. Graeme Decarie was a history teacher at Malcolm Campbell High School in Montreal. I didn’t have a history class with him but he was an advisor to the student council, of which I was a member. In the fall of 1963 (if I […]


When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach: Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress

A May 13, 2017 Arch Daily article is entitled: “Contemporary Housing to Reinforce Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress.” The opening paragraphs read: When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach. It must often strike a respectful, vernacular tone, whilst embracing the innovative, functional hallmarks of a modern building. This balance has particular relevance […]