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277 search results for: blurb


Power speaks its own language: Contemporary social media propaganda focuses on denigration of standard perceptions of reality

Click here for previous posts about propaganda > A previous post is entitled: Power speaks its own language: Can historiography (generally, the writing of history featuring standard language usage) teach us anything of value with regard to extreme violence? As a follow-up to the post, I refer to a Dec. 18, 2018 New Yorker article […]


Great review of Supernatural Environments in Shakespeare’s England: Spaces of Demonism, Divinity, and Drama (2014)

Previous posts related to Stratford, and other topics related to the current post, include: Power of a vision: Tom Patterson, who launched the Stratford Festival, and Jim Tovey, who launched Inspiration Lakeview, each visualized what could be Background reading helps a person better understand the larger story, within which local history everywhere is embedded To […]


Totalitarian Art (1990, 2011): Igor Golomstock argues that state-controlled art in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Soviet Russia shared identical features

Initially, I was not all that impressed with Totalitarian Art (1990, 2011) but after reading a couple of online reviews of the book, and an online obituary for the book’s author Igor Golomstock, I am more impressed – impressed enough, that is, that I have made a point of reading the book from start two […]


‘Of course, bold socialists intent on destroying rather than reforming capitalism have brought about some rather unpleasant historical outcomes’ – Aug. 2, 2018 Atlantic Monthly article

An Aug. 2, 2018 Atlantic Monthly article is entitled: “The Hunger for a Bold Socialism: The political preferences of two college professors, writing in a prominent leftist journal, are informed by the belief that ‘making people’s lives materially better isn’t enough.’” An excerpt from the article reads: “Of course, bold socialists intent on destroying rather […]


Message from Graeme Decarie: “Well, you can tell Peggy that If I had known then what I know now, my course would been been very different”

The MCHS luncheons that we’ve been organizing about once a month for some time continue to take on momentum. On Wednesday, July 25, 2018 we had a turnout, at the Mandarin Restaurant on the Queensway east of Kipling in Toronto, of seven people. Our featured guests included Peggy (Cornforth) Robinson (MCHS 1965) who reports that Graeme […]