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1001 search results for: Long Branch


John English Junior Middle School SAC meeting is at 7:00 pm, May 16, 2013

Below is the agenda: John English SAC Meeting Thursday, May 16, 2013, 7 – 8:30 pm AGENDA Welcome 7 – 7:05 Introductions Additional agenda items/other business Principal/Vice Principal’s Report 7:05 – 7:30 Board Business 7:30 – 8:30 Org chart Treasurer’s Report – year to date Fundraising Movie Night Dance-a-thon Year to date results Programs Schoolyard […]


Plans regarding sand beach at Marie Curtis Park: Response from Kenneth Dion, Toronto and Region Conservation

Update: An August 6, 2013 post, among others in the Etobicoke Creek Category at this website, provides an update to this post. [End of update] In previous blog posts, I’ve described plans discussed in the context of the Mississauga Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment Project regarding the sand beach at Marie Curtis Park between Etobicoke Creek […]


Public meeting on May 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm organized by Mimico Residents Association regarding Wesley Mimico redevelopment project

A public meeting regarding the Wesley Mimico United Church redevelopment will be held on May 15, 2013. Here are the details: Where: Mimico Baptist Church (80 Hillside Ave) When: Wednesday May 15 at 7:00 pm Additional details can be found here. [Click on link in previous sentence to access additional details.] Before I turned my attention […]


“Finish what you start”

It’s taken me some years – decades, or more precisely over half a century – to learn to finish every project that I start. I’ve become better at this task with the passage of the years and as a retired teacher I have the opportunity to finish many unfinished projects. I now try to work […]


“The City and its People: Civic Engagement Strategies for Residents” – David Switzer reports on lecture he attended

A PDF outline of Brenna Keatinge’s talk can be found here: The City and its People: Civic Engagement Strategies for Residents I am pleased to share the following report from David Switzer of Long Branch: On April 18th, 2013 I attended a lecture at the Munk Centre Entitled “The City and Its People: Civic Engagement […]