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201 search results for: long branch neighbourhood association


Please spread the word among your neighbours regarding situation involving property damage along Long Branch Avenue

I would like to follow up on a recent post at the Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch Facebook group. At the above-noted Facebook group, I have described instances where plants at the back, front, and sides of a house on the west side of Long Branch Avenue – between Dominion Road and Muskoka Avenue – have been […]


Conserving Long Branch – July 2016 Update Addendum – David Godley

A previous post is entitled: Conserving Long Branch – July 2016 Update from David Godley A July 4, 2016 email July 2016 Update Addendum from David Godley <> concerns 9 Meaford Avenue. David Godley refers to an exchange of emails that, David notes, “confirms the Planning Department’s position.” “The main recommendation to defer for community consultation is […]


Local urban planning “Fair Process” overview has been prepared by David Godley of Long Branch

The following text is from the following document prepared by David Godley: fairprocess A Fair Process for Severance and Variance Applications Restoring the balance between competing interests * Recommendations 1)That the Planning Department plan education sessions with the Committee of Adjustment members, focussing on due process, equality of participants, role in implementing City policies, and […]


Conserving Long Branch – David Godley June 2016 Update Addendum

A previous post, based on my experiences as a Long Branch resident, is entitled: How to prepare a 5-minute presentation to the Committee of Adjustment Another previous post is entitled: The question of lawn signs and the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (LBNA), which is currently being formed  Click here to access previous posts featuring input from […]


Conserving Long Branch (Toronto) – April 2016 update from David Godley

The following text is from David Godley: Long Branch is being invaded! Soldier Houses are on the march! 
They have already established bridgeheads throughout the Neighbourhood. 3 storey twin houses on narrow lots are disfiguring beautiful and engaging Long Branch in direct contravention of the Official Plan. OMB approvals have spawned many more applications particularly […]