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638 search results for: First World War


Comments from Colleen O’Marra regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website

The photo on the right of a small sample of artifacts from the 1984 dig at the Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site at 85 Forty First Street in Long Branch is from a blog post dated June 23, 2012. A previous post is entitled: Heads-up regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website At that […]


Modern genetics has revolutionized the story anthropologists tell about how humans spread out across the Earth: Oct. 3, 2017 Atlantic article

A tweet from Dr Adam Rutherford‏ – that is, @AdamRutherford – reads: Here’s an extract from the new US chapter, on the Americas, dodgy DNA tests, and scientific racism, in @TheAtlantic [End] The Oct. 3, 2017 Atlantic article, referenced in the tweet, is entitled: “A New History of the First Peoples in the Americas: The miracle of modern […]


Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1 (David sent this out on Sept. 9, 2017; I am slow in posting it)

The text from David Godley will follow my preamble to this post; if you want to skip the preamble, just go forward to the heading entitled: “Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1.” Preamble from Jaan Pill I have changed “Toronto Local Appeal Board,” in David Godley’s text, to “Toronto Local Appeal Body,” as the […]


We owe thanks to Robert Lansdale for colour correction of this image from 1958 Long Branch Hotel fire

A previous post is entitled: John Stewart of Wiarton has shared some photos of the fire that destroyed the Long Branch Hotel in 1958 At that post, I have replaced a previous, blue-tinged scan from a slide with a colour-corrected version. We owe thanks to Robert Lansdale for the Photoshop work. I’m devoting a separate […]


Ideology and evidence-based practice

Below are links that may be of interest. I have long had an interest in evidence and evidence-based practice. The value of evidence has been of interest for me for two reasons. First, as a reporter, I have learned the value of evidence, as it is practised in traditional print journalism. Secondly, I’ve had the […]


Not a good day, some days ago: Graeme Decarie, who taught history at Concordia University for many years, shares thoughts about mass murders

I’m just catching up with posting of a message from Graeme Decarie. Graeme Decarie was a history teacher at Malcolm Campbell High School in Montreal. I didn’t have a history class with him but he was an advisor to the student council, of which I was a member. In the fall of 1963 (if I […]