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131 search results for: Toronto local appeal body


Please contact me, in the event you’d like to be on Preserved Stories email list

I send out an email newsletter on a regular basis (sometimes frequently, sometimes not frequently at all), to an email list that I keep track of on Microsoft Word. In the event you would like to be on this email list, please contact me via this website. I like to look after such details in […]


Oct. 10, 2017 is deadline for comments regarding August 2017 Long Branch Character Guidelines draft

The August 2017 Long Branch Guidelines draft is at: August 2017 DRAFT Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines Background By way of background, a post regarding the PREVIOUS DRAFT [February 2017] is entitled: February 2017 draft of Long Branch (Toronto) Urban Design Guidelines document is available online A Sept. 26, 2017 public meeting was held regarding […]


Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1 (David sent this out on Sept. 9, 2017; I am slow in posting it)

The text from David Godley will follow my preamble to this post; if you want to skip the preamble, just go forward to the heading entitled: “Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1.” Preamble from Jaan Pill I have changed “Toronto Local Appeal Board,” in David Godley’s text, to “Toronto Local Appeal Body,” as the […]


Conserving Long Branch July 2017 Part 2 including TLAB Mis-steps (David Godley)

Following message is from David Godley. I am late in posting it. Attachment: tlab rile&p CONTENTS 1) Toronto Local Appeal Board 2) Recent COA decisions 3) Outstanding Committee of Adjustment Applications 4) Toronto Local Appeal Board 5) OMB Hearings 6) 39 27th Street, Tree 1) Toronto Local Appeal Board TLAB are ripping off pretty well […]


Conserving Long Branch August 2017 – David Godley

Please note: Correct term is Toronto Local Appeal Body not Toronto Local Area Appeal Board. A minor point, that however bears noting. Following message is from David Godley * Attached file from David Godley   938SaveLB * August Already, Best Wishes from Long Branch by the Lake. Congratulations Peter Milczyn on being appointed Housing Minister. […]


Conserving Long Branch June 2017 Update 3 – David Godley

The following photo and attached messages are from David. Any Word document, that David sends, I convert at once into a PDF: 38 36th St 938coa[2] TLAB – Notice of Hearing The following message for June 2017 is from David Godley. Sometimes I fall behind in the posting of David’s messages. Today I’m catching up. David […]


Input from Jaan Pill of Preserved Stories regarding Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Guidelines Draft

As a rule, I make it a practice to avoid posting my own input with regard to ongoing public consultations such as the Long Branch Guidelines Draft. Instead, I just send in my comments and then I forget about it. My reasoning is that my own views are neither here nor there, in the wider […]