How will Toronto weather the storms of climate change? Don’t ask the Committee of Adjustment; they would care less.
A Dec. 12, 2016 CBC article is entitled: “How will Toronto weather the storms of climate change?”
I found the article of interest because the Etobicoke-York Committee of Adjustment would not care less, in its decision-making process, about the removal of trees as part of development in Etobicoke and it would not care less about issues related to water run-off associated with extreme weather events.
Some relevant previous posts:
Editor of Long Branch Village Facebook page shares reflections following Dec. 8, 2016 COA meeting
Is it time to set up a Long Branch expat community in Mississauga? Maybe it’s already been started.
Sound like you have out of control politicians there. Putting business before people.
I would say that, if one wishes to be inspired by politicians who serve the public interest, it’s good to look to the west, to the City of Mississauga, as I’ve noted in a post entitled:
Mississauga’s approach to civic engagement stands in stark contrast to the track record for Toronto