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347 search results for: king and country


For King and Country is an ongoing project of the Geneological Society, Toronto Branch

I subscribe to updates concerned with a site called For King and Country at A previous blog post about King and Country can be accessed here. The most recent update is concerned with Preparing War Memorials: Danforth Tech Shows How. The opening paragraphs read: How did schools collect the names for their war memorials? […]


Toronto Family History: For King and Country online link (with thanks to Ward 3, TDSB Trustee Pamela Gough)

Ward 3, Toronto District School Board Trustee Pamela Gough <> has shared the following link: For King and Country — A project to transcribe the war memorials in Toronto schools A.J. Casson of the Group of Seven was the artist who designed the illuminated lists of Canadian soldiers (former students) displayed in schools, including in […]