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151 search results for: museum


Malcolm Campbell High School (Montreal) Sixties Reunion Committee met recently at Centre Street Deli in Thornhill, Ontario

Peter Mearns, Scott Munro, and Jaan Pill met on Friday, April 25, 2014 at the Centre Street Deli to discuss the next steps leading to the Malcolm Campbell High School Sixties Reunion. Peter reported that he’d checked out the Gardiner Museum in Toronto as a possible venue. He said the maximum they can handle is […]


The War of 1812 brought the first Ukrainians to the city – then called York – as mercenary soldiers

Updates: A Feb. 20, 2014 New Yorker article is entitled:” Will Ukraine break apart?” A Feb. 28, 2014 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Globe in Kiev: Ukraine’s new government declares Russia has invaded.” A Feb. 28, 2014 Guardian article is entitled: “Ukraine: Night Wolves and unidentified military men seize key Crimea sites.” A Feb. […]


Modern empire was not an aberrant supplement to the history of modernity but rather its constituent part (Partha Chatterjee, 2012)

“Modern empire was not an aberrant supplement to the history of modernity but rather its constituent part.” These words are from the preface of The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power (2012) by Partha Chatterjee. What conceptual framework drove the British to establish themselves in Long Branch? The above-noted book […]


What is Placemaking?

To find out, click here. I learned of Placemaking from the Fort York Foundation at @fyfoundation My Twitter handle is @jaanpill I also follow @KBlackMuseums @TOhistoricsites and @fortyork I enjoy reading visiting and reading about Fort York: What can we learn about evidence-based practice when we read about Tecumseh? Another Pacemaking post can be found […]