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638 search results for: First World War


Military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East contends with gusts of wind and forces of gravity

Update: Ward 1 Mississauga Councillor Jim Tovey has informed us: “We will be moving the Mural to the building facade in the spring.” [End of update]   I enjoy visiting the military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East in Lakeview in Mississauga next to the starting point for the Hanlan Water Project. The […]


The oldest approach to management involves telling people what to do, if necessary by using violence or the threat of violence

Management: A Very Short Introduction (2013) is a delightful book, which provides a brief and cogent overview of management theory and practice. The book’s author, John Hendry, is founding director of the University of Cambridge MBA and has been teaching management for over 25 years. Reason has its limits The first chapter defines management and […]


Fort York Visitor Centre exhibit includes photos of the Long Branch Aerodrome and aerial shots of Long Branch

I was very pleased to recently receive emails from David Juliusson and Michael Harrison in connection with John Boyd’s album of First World War photographs. You can access the album at the Toronto Archives at this link. When you click on the photos they don’t enlarge very well but you do get a general idea […]