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187 search results for: meaning of life


Stage magic and Fair Trade coffee

By way of an introduction: 1) Truthiness refers to sense making in the absence of evidence. 2) What does the work of stage magicians tell us about how the mind works? The link to a May 3, 2008 Boston Globe article about this topic can be accessed at the previous sentence. The article notes that […]


Two Cheers for Anarchism (2012) began as a large undergraduate lecture course on anarchism

Some years ago, James C. Scott taught a large undergraduate lecture course on anarchism in order to educate himself about the topic, and to figure out his own relationship to it. Scott’s conceptualization of anarchism includes a focus on “voluntary co-operation without hierarchy” and a celebration of “the inventiveness and judgment of people who are […]


Wesley Mimico update – a second submission for the rezoning application

I’ve been following with interest the Wesley Mimico United Church redevelopment story since February 2012. From what I can gather, the heritage attributes of the Wesley Mimico United Church building, as identified by City of Toronto heritage preservation staff, will determine the narrative arc of the redevelopment. I learned about the project when I was […]


Do you have a photo of Robin’s Nest, built by Alfred Bray who moved to Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey) in 1910?

Sandy Bray has a question that you may be able to answer “I’ve been enjoying your site very much,” Sandy Bray writes, “and have been thinking alot of memories and questions, etc. etc.” Sandy has recently sent a question to her dad, Jim Bray, asking if he remembered the address of the house called “Robins Nest” […]


The Technique of Film Editing (1968) is a classic text for film students

The following text is based upon a previous post entitled Drug Wars (2013) updates. It focuses and enlarges upon themes related to editing, contextualization, and management of attention and emotional response in accordance with principles of instrumental reason in a machine in the garden era. Film history We are dealing with history, and its conceptualization. Heritage […]


Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East (2013)

The blurb (I’ve broken the text into shorter paragraphs) for Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East (2013) at the Toronto Public Library website reads: “The Arab Revolt against the Turks in World War I was, in the words of T.E. Lawrence, ‘a sideshow to a sideshow.’ As a […]


History of film editing – Reisz and Millar (1968)

The Technique of Film Editing, Second Edition (1968) is a classic text by Karel Reisz and Gavin Millar that is read even now by film students. It’s a useful resource for anybody interested in how stories are put together, and how life is viewed and experienced, then and now. Because I’m currently taking a film editing […]


Mobile phones kill more drivers than booze does, police say, sparking long weekend crackdown (Aug. 30, 2013 Globe and Mail)

Updates A Jan. 30, 2014 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Distracted driving now deadlier than impaired driving.” A Feb. 4, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Cellphone use behind the wheel could be stopped with technology.” The subhead reads: “Distracted driving’s potential to kill or injure others needs preventive policy now, Canadian doctors say.” An […]