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449 search results for: in situ


Beware the waterfront trail to the west of the Humber River; many collisions have occurred along the trail

In an earlier post, I’ve noted that driving in Toronto requires your full attention, and the fines for distracted driving are substantial. The caption to the photo on the right highlights the story. In the current post, I want to bring your attention to some features of the Humber River. 1) Humber River runs close by […]


The MCHS ’60s Reunion organizing team met on Sept. 9, 2015 in Kitchener, Ontario

The MCHS 2015 Event Committee met on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015 at the Boston Pizza at 190 Gateway Drive in Kitchener. Stephanie Shaar (MCHS ’69) of Montreal joined us for the meeting. We much enjoyed meeting Stephanie, whose participation added much of value and interest to the decision-making process. There is so much value in such face to […]


If a person (such cases are case), gets a fee reduction for MCHS 2015, it gets covered by an anonymous donation

I am pleased to have the opportunity to bring your attention to an update at the following post: MCHS 2015: Smaller room, more intimate space The update reads: Please note: The fee situations where we have reduced the fee, for the reunion, have involved a person connected with the reunion making an anonymous donation to match […]


David Godley of Long Branch (Toronto) highlights two recent meetings with Planning Staff

The following message is from David Godley: Long Branch Issues Overview August 2015 Two meetings have been held with Planning Staff recently. First with Neil Cresswell, Head of Etobicoke’s Planning Office and second with Denise Rundle who is doing a City-wide review of Committee of Adjustment processes. This is my take on the current situation. […]


The OMB’S 7 Deadly Sins: Message from David Godley of Long Branch, Toronto

An earlier post is entitled: Amalgamated Toronto Provincial Review – Template for submission. Deadline is Aug. 7, 2015. Please write a letter today. Please refer to the above-noted post. Your opinion matters, regarding the Review that is now under way; please let you views be known. Please send your comments to the address indicated; the […]


Amalgamated Toronto Provincial Review – Template for submission. Deadline is Aug. 7, 2015. Please write a letter today.

A previous post, that is connected with the current post, is entitled: Municipal Legislation Review deadline is Aug. 7, 2015. Make your views known! Information about the Municipal Legislation Review can be accessed here. [Conclusion of opening text from Jaan Pill] The following message is from David Godley: I have been asked to prepare a […]


PL140761 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approves 3 storey houses with double the density 48 35th St.

The following message is from David Godley: Good morning Residents of Long Branch. This [the text below] has been circulated to key politicians and some press. There is no real chance of changing the decision. Greetings from Long Branch PL140761 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approves 3 storey houses with double the density 48 35th St. […]


Executive Function and Child Development (2013)

Sometimes I do a good job of getting things done, but sometimes I could do better. For that reason, I’ve been reading about executive function. Executive Function and Child Development (2013) The following text is from p. 8 of Executive Function and Child Development (2013): “In recent years there has been a surge of interest in […]


Background document (June 22, 2015) from David Godley regarding: Character of Long Branch

For an important update, related to the following background document from David Godley, please refer to a recent post entitled: Update regarding Character of Long Branch: Message from Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes Following text is from David Godley:   New Houses in Long Branch: Severances & Variances – Draft Issues David Godley 416 255 […]