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618 search results for: Lake Ontario


Along the shore (Jane Fairburn 2013)

Update: In response to the post you are now reading, we’ve received additional information, from Jim Carr and Catherine O’Marra, regarding the motorcycle featured in the photograph. [End of update] A recent project has involved tracking down information related to the photograph on this page. The caption refers to the radial bridge over Highway 2 […]


TRCA now recruiting new watershed committee

In the following text I’ve switched some words from uppercase to lowercase and have changed the paragraph structure. As well I’ve added some subheadings. TRCA used to call itself the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It now tends to call itself Toronto and Region Conservation. I’m pleased to share with you the following message from […]


Answer to Humber Bay Shores quiz question (Peter Riedel)

The following comment from Peter riedel is a follow-up to an earlier question. A supplementary question from Ruth Grier has received an answer. Peter Riedel comments concerning his original quiz question A couple of weeks ago I asked: “Can anyone name one other area along the northern shoreline of Lake Ontario waterfront that is to […]


Supplementary questions from Ruth Grier, as follow-up to Peter Riedel’s quiz question regarding Humber Bay Shores

Update A July 7, 2016 post is entitled: On July 12, 2016 Toronto City Council Agenda: Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes [End of update]   As  follow-up to the quiz question regarding Humber Bay Shores posed by Peter Riedel, Ruth Grier has added the following questions. Supplementary questions: How did […]


Quiz question on Humber Bay Shores (Peter Riedel)

Update A July 7, 2016 post is entitled: On July 12, 2016 Toronto City Council Agenda: Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes [End of update]   Greetings, Can anyone name one other area along the northern shoreline of Lake Ontario waterfront that is to be as dense with condo development as […]


Most recent edition of the TRCA newsletter (Shorelines) is now available

Shorelines: The most recent newsletter from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is now available. You can access the newsletter, which includes links to additional information, by clicking on the link in the previous sentence. Below are highlights (see the newsletter for full details): Lake Ontario Evenings – Tommy Thompson Park Edition (Nov.13, 2012) The next […]