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618 search results for: Lake Ontario


Wetlands are wonderful, or not, depending on which side of Etobicoke Creek you’re standing upon

  By way of background regarding the Lakeview Waterfront Connection project, I’m pleased to share with you the following for the public meeting — held on Feb 23, 2012 — which I found highly inspiring.   The Mississauga side is developing wetlands using landfill. This will involve what are described as significant savings in financial […]


A Jane’s Walk will be held in Long Branch on Sunday, May 6, 2012 starting at 10:30 am in Marie Curtis Park

We’ve registered a Jane’s Walk, with a 10:30 am start at the East Parking Lot at Marie Curtis Park, for Sunday, May 6, 2012. We owe many thanks to Councillor Grimes’ office for suggesting that we organize this walk, and for providing details about the Jane’s Walk registration process. We owe thanks as well to […]


The American Revolution, the First Nations, and Colonel Samuel Smith

My interest in military history arises from my current documentary project in Long Branch where I live. One of the personalities associated with Long Branch is Colonel Samuel Smith who faught in the Wars of the American Revolution. Not much is known about Colonel Smith. He’s perhaps best known for deprecations directed his way by the Scottish author and reformer Robert Gourlay after a visit to Smith’s log cabin east […]