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449 search results for: in situ


Meet TEA’s Waste Campaigner, Emily Alfred

You can access this item here. Excerpts from the above-noted item include the following texts: Whether we like it or not, the holidays are a time when we buy and receive a lot of stuff. Instead of giving items that quickly end up in Toronto’s landfill give your friends and loved ones the gift of […]


The rational choices of crack addicts – Sept. 16, 2013 New York Times article

Can a person use cocaine and avoid becoming addicted? What is the evidence? A Sept. 16, 2013 New York Times article entitled “The Rational Choices of Crack Addicts” shares evidence that it may be indeed be possible, in specified circumstances, for a person to use crack cocaine without becoming addicted. Carl Hart, the neuroscientist profiled in the […]


Cabin Flashback Scene – Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Students of filmmaking can learn many things on their own, or they can take classes, or they can do both. Hands-on exercises, analysis of scenes, and study of the history of film editing are standard ways of figuring out how films are put together. Cowboys and Aliens (2011) In a course I’m taking at Ryerson University, […]


During construction along Lake Shore Blvd. West, be wary of turns onto, or off of, Lake Shore (2 collisions observed in Long Branch)

During the past two days I’ve observed two car collisions – at least one of them involving personal injury – on Lake Shore Blvd. West east of Brown’s Line. The situation is as follows 1. Traffic is constricted along the construction route. Less space is available than otherwise to handle the usual flow of traffic. […]