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1001 search results for: Long Branch


Town of Port Credit Association (TOPCA) Town Hall Mtg & AGM is: Thurs., Nov. 9, 2017 at 7:00 pm at Clarke Hall

Town of Port Credit‏ @TOPCA_Executive *  TOPCA Town Hall Mtg & AGM is: Thurs Nov 9 @ 7pm at Clarke Hall Theme: Lakeshore Corridor – Get Moving #PortCredit * TOPCA = Town of Port Credit Credit Association We owe thanks to Dorothy Tomiuk @Dorothy_Tomiuk for letting us know via Twitter. Commentary Much of what I learn about meetings in […]


Hearings on Bill 139 (OMB Reform) took place on Oct. 16 & 17; Oct. 18 is comments deadline

Update In a previous version of this post, I noted the deadline for comments was Oct. 24 at 6:00 pm. That has changed. The deadline is now Oct. 18, 2017 at 5:00 pm. As well, the Oct. 23 and 24, 2017 hearings have been cancelled. [End]   I have recently learned that hearings on Bill […]


Comments from Colleen O’Marra regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website

The photo on the right of a small sample of artifacts from the 1984 dig at the Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site at 85 Forty First Street in Long Branch is from a blog post dated June 23, 2012. A previous post is entitled: Heads-up regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website At that […]


Recordings of Committee of Adjustment meetings are available from the City’s Customer Support Booking Centre

I have contacted the City’s Customer Support Booking Centre at 416-397-7220, and have ordered a copy of the Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment meeting held on May 4, 2017. I will be picking up my copy at the Customer Support Office in the basement of City Hall East Tower in downtown Toronto. The cost is […]


Anna writes: The entire Brown’s Line at Lake Shore intersection “needs a redesign”

A previous post is entitled: Update regarding Dead Man’s Curve at Brown’s Line and Lake Shore Blvd. West. Commentary: An EARLIER warning would work much better A local resident, Anna, has offered the following comment, and has given me permission to post it: I appreciated hearing your thoughts on dead man’s curve. I have often […]


Please contact me, in the event you’d like to be on Preserved Stories email list

I send out an email newsletter on a regular basis (sometimes frequently, sometimes not frequently at all), to an email list that I keep track of on Microsoft Word. In the event you would like to be on this email list, please contact me via this website. I like to look after such details in […]


Re: Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) Info Session, Oct. 18, 2017 at 7:00 pm. David Godley outlines MAJOR procedural roadblocks with TLAB!

A previous post is entitled: Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) Info Session will take place at Assembly Hall, 7:00 pm, Oct. 18, 2017 David Godley has commented, regarding the meeting: “A unique opportunity to hear the Chair of TLAB explain the “New OMB” for Committee of Adjustment appeals.” He adds that that TLAB process “seems to […]


Update regarding Dead Man’s Curve at Brown’s Line and Lake Shore Blvd. West. Commentary: An EARLIER warning would work much better

Update A subsequent post is entitled: Anna writes: The entire Brown’s Line at Lake Shore intersection “needs a redesign” [End]   A previous post is entitled: Work in progress: Better signage might save lives, at “Dead Man’s Curve” at southbound Brown’s Line Another post addressing the same theme is entitled: Natural forms at Six Points […]