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151 search results for: museum


When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach: Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress

A May 13, 2017 Arch Daily article is entitled: “Contemporary Housing to Reinforce Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress.” The opening paragraphs read: When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach. It must often strike a respectful, vernacular tone, whilst embracing the innovative, functional hallmarks of a modern building. This balance has particular relevance […]


Story of the week is Trump, Russia and the FBI; rest is a distraction: Feb. 25, 2017 Guardian

A Feb. 25, 2017 Guardian article is entitled: “The story of the week is Trump, Russia and the FBI. The rest is a distraction.” The subhead reads: “The White House reportedly tried to influence an active counter-intelligence investigation. All else, press ban included, is designed to deflect attention.” Updates A Feb. 24, 2017 CBC article […]


You Can Make Things Happen – Mississauga Culture: Community Meeting Dates: We see here a celebration of community engagement

Click here to access a February 10, 2017 Mississauga Culture message about Community Meetings Dates > You Can Make Things Happen The text of the message, from the link at the top of this page, reads: Have your say! We’ve added more dates to our Future Directions Culture Master Plan public meetings. Grab a friend […]


Elements of storytelling include (4) focus on the backstage, (5) reinhabitation of places through narrative, and (6) open-endedness

1. Getting attention 2. Playing the role 3. Collaboration A previous post is entitled: Storytelling: Getting attention; playing the role; collaboration The above-noted post provides an overview of the three above-noted elements. In a comment at the post, I’ve referred, as well, to a fourth element, which has to do with the distinction between frontstage and […]


Storytelling: Getting attention; playing the role; collaboration

This post concerns three key features or elements of storytelling. At a previous post, I have noted some insights that have occurred to me regarding storytelling. Some subsequent posts are entitled: CBC The Current podcast: We are natural storytelling machines, not statisticians – The Undoing Project (2017) The elements of storytelling include (4) backstaging and (5) re-inhabitation […]