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122 search results for: jane's walk - mississauga


In Situ event at Small Arms Inspection Building takes place on Nov. 8, 9, & 10, 2018. Buy your tickets now!

Click here for previous posts about the Small Arms Inspection Building > I have been following the Small Arms story for many years. The story – featuring a successful, community-driven project to preserve and repurpose a Second World War heritage building – is highlighted at a recent post entitled: Enthusiasm for local history is not […]


Lakeview Waterfront Update from Credit Valley Conservation

Click here to access a May 31, 2018 Lakeview Waterfront Update from CVC > The opening text for the CVC message reads: We’re making great progress towards creating our new 26-hectare conservation area on the Mississauga waterfront. Learn more about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Update. [End] Commentary I have, as I have noted at […]


Marketing remains a key driving force, fueling the opioid crisis. That said, marketing can also serve positive purposes.

An Oct. 30, 2017 New Yorker article is entitled: “The Family That Built an Empire of Pain: The Sackler dynasty’s ruthless marketing of painkillers has generated billions of dollars – and millions of addicts.” It’s a good read. Click here for previous posts about opioids > Portugal’s unique approach to drug policy A Dec. 5, […]


At November 2017 Small Arms Society meeting, Jim Tovey outlines January 2018 “Morphology” exhibit – YouTube video

Updates A Jan. 19, 2018 article is entitled: “Jim Tovey’s audacious dreams kept coming true: An irrepressible spirit, an irreplaceable man, says John Stewart.” James Michael Tovey Obituary: Jan. 20, 2018 Toronto Star Other YouTube videos of interest: Remembering Jim Tovey Jim Tovey, Mississauga Visionary. LAKEVIEW LEGACY PROJECT February 27 2008 An April 2012 […]


Input from Jaan Pill of Preserved Stories regarding Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Guidelines Draft

As a rule, I make it a practice to avoid posting my own input with regard to ongoing public consultations such as the Long Branch Guidelines Draft. Instead, I just send in my comments and then I forget about it. My reasoning is that my own views are neither here nor there, in the wider […]


Seeking information: Wartime and postwar housing at Small Arms Ltd. in Lakeview and elsewhere

Please note that subsequent posts include: Where will the people go: Toronto’s Emergency Housing Program and the Limits of Canadian Social Housing Policy, 1944-1957 Ted Long shares photos from the Long Branch army camp in the 1950s; with comments from Ted Long & Garry Burke Life at the Long Branch Army Camp, long, long ago! […]


On July 12, 2016 Toronto City Council Agenda: Investigation report regarding conduct of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes

An Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Councillor Mark Grimes is on the Agenda for the July 12, 2016 meeting of the City of Toronto Council. You can access details here. An excerpt from the above-noted link reads: Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Councillor Mark Grimes City Council Decision City Council on July 12, 13, 14 and […]