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1058 search results for: land use


LAMP community kitchen may be in jeopardy after Wesley Mimico Place development cancelled – Jan. 21, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian

A Jan. 28, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Rising heritage costs, bureaucracy the main reasons behind Wesley Mimico Place project’s cancellation: Mixed-use facility was to house seniors apartments and a community kitchen.” A Jan. 21, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “LAMP community kitchen may be in jeopardy after Wesley Mimico Place development cancelled: […]


The Productivity Project (2016) by Chris Bailey. To get more done, strive for imperfection.

A passage by Chris Bailey (pp. 4-5) in The Productivity Project (2016) describes campuses in the 1960s and 1970s that were built without any paths: “During the 1960s and 1970s, the University of California at Irvine was one of a group of universities that decided to build their campuses without any paths. (I went to school in Canada, […]


Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena known for pioneering social housing projects wins 2016 Pritzker prize

A Jan. 13, 2016 Guardian article is entitled: “Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena wins 2016 Pritzker prize.” The subhead reads: “Social housing visionary, who engaged residents in designing their own homes, urges architects to address issues of poverty, pollution and segregation.” Alejandro Aravena: architect, equaliser, el visionario The opening paragraph reads: “The radical Chilean architect Alejandro […]


Mississauga looks to continue post-Hazel renaissance in 2016: Jan. 1, 2016 Toronto Star article

A Jan. 1, 2016 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Mississauga looks to continue post-Hazel renaissance in 2016.” The subhead reads: “Under Bonnie Crombie, transit, waterfront redevelopment, affordable housing and repairing strained police-citizen relations are shaping up as top issues.” Waterfront The article notes: “However, higher-order transit plans will have to compete with other key issues […]


Chinese gated communities feature social clustering, micro-governing, and social engineering

In The Government Next Door (2015), Luigi Tomba describes five “rationalities” whereby the Chinese state has maintained control over local neighbourhoods during the transition from socialism to capitalism, namely: Social clustering micro-governing social engineering contained contention, and exemplarism Homogeneity of collective interests In Chapter 1 of the above-noted, exquisitely well-organized study, Luigi Tomba notes that “Communities are places […]


On Dec. 26, 2015 Graeme Decarie wrote a long post at his website; he also spoke of mass murder in Guatemala in the 1980s

You can access the post here: Dec. 26:This is very long but,….. Graeme Decarie: I’ve just finished a very long blog. But I like it because this one gets me away from the dreadful newspapers down here. If you like, notify any students who might be interested that they can get it by googling The […]


“Whenever I have a spare moment,” notes Graeme Decarie, “I write a bit about my life for my children.”

In an email on Dec. 18, 2015, Graeme Decarie wrote: Whenever I have a spare moment, I write a bit about my life for my children. Last night, I started one that is really about failure in school – and why and how I failed. It’s something that has a lot to do with social […]


Role of other classes, aside from middle class, in China

Recent posts concern research related to the middle class in China. A related addressed topic in  Government Next Door (2015) is the role of other classes, in China aside, from the increasingly wealthy middle class. Luigi Tomba speaks (pp. 148-149) of a proactive role for the middle class and “advanced forces” in “moralizing society.” He notes this role […]


Application of linguistic anthropology to study of new housing and residential spaces in China

A previous post highlights research by Luigi Tomba regrading new housing and residential spaces in China: The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban China (2015) A useful companion piece to Tomba’s study is a project, aimed at professionals in the United States, entitled Community Organizing: Theory and Practice (2015). In the current post I wish to […]