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1058 search results for: land use


Toronto councillor pushes for planning changes that benefit developer despite ties to company: Ethics expert says Di Ciano should have disclosed relationship – CBC May 17, 2016

A May 17, 2016 CBC article is entitled: “Toronto councillor pushes for planning changes that benefit developer despite ties to company:Ethics expert says Di Ciano should have disclosed relationship.” To read the article, click on the link in the previous sentence. The opening paragraphs read: Toronto Coun. Justin Di Ciano requested a key change to […]


May 28, 2016 Small Arms Jane’s Walk. What is a Jane’s Walk? I don’t know. That’s what I like about Jane’s Walk.

What is a Jane’s Walk? A May 1, 2016 message from Jane’s Walk reads: “Every single one of us has a story, an opinion, a question, or a dream about where they live, work, and play. And every Jane’s Walk is a catalyst for doing something about it.” I’ve been involved with leading and/or organizing […]


On Saturday, May 28, 2016, the Small Arms Jane’s Walk will visit the Long Branch Rifle Ranges in Mississauga

You are cordially invited to join us on Saturday, May 28, 2016 for a Jane’s Walk led by Ward One, City of Mississauga Councillor Jim Tovey. The walk begins at 1:00 pm on May 28 at the Small Arms Building at the foot of Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East. You can access details about the […]


Discover the Lost Ontario by Stuart Clarfield, The Mission Media Co. – Kickstarter campaign mentioned by Mike James

I’ve worked with Mike James with leading of Jane’s Walks in southern Etobicoke over the past four years. We’re no longer leading walks, although we remain involved with helping to organize them. Mike grew up in New Toronto in the 1960s; he now lives in Niagara on the Lake. He ‘s received some information from […]


Mississauga Business Times article (February 2008) describes how the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project came to be

The source for the article and editorial highlighted at the current blog post is an online archive at the University of Toronto: Rising From the Ashes Development that takes into account the interests of local residents I’ve written about topics related to Lakeview on many occasions in the past. I am highly impressed with projects currently […]


Conserving Long Branch (Toronto) – April 2016 update from David Godley

The following text is from David Godley: Long Branch is being invaded! Soldier Houses are on the march! 
They have already established bridgeheads throughout the Neighbourhood. 3 storey twin houses on narrow lots are disfiguring beautiful and engaging Long Branch in direct contravention of the Official Plan. OMB approvals have spawned many more applications particularly […]


Innovative mapping technology tells story of Hurricane Hazel and current flood management systems

Update A July 12, 2017 CBC article is entitled: Don’t drain the swamp: report says wetlands help avert flood damage: Study says leaving wetlands in their natural state can help protect communities from severe flooding.” [End]   The following text, from a March 23, 2017 TRCA news release that I learned about on March 24, […]