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1058 search results for: land use


David Godley’s travel report from Hawaii

I like from time to time to share reports, articles, and viewpoints from a wide range of visitors to the Preserved stories website. Such items do not necessarily represent my own views, and do not serve as my endorsement of particular viewpoints. I like to post such reports because I like the Preserved Stories to feature […]


Comment from David Godley regarding Bill 20, MPP Rosario Marchese’s Private Member’s Bill (regarding elimination of OMB)

The following text is from David Godley of Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey): Bill 20, MPP Rosario Marchese’s Private Member’s Bill: Elimination of the OMB from the planning system in Toronto The Purpose of the Bill [writes David Godley; the text you are reading is from David Godley] is to allow elimination of the […]


Fruit and vegetable intake: five a day may not be enough, scientists say (April 2, 2014 Guardian article)

An April 2, 2014 Guardian article is entitled: “How many portions of fruit and vegetables are we eating?” The Guardian article is based upon research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Several articles, based on research at University College London, have appeared online. The research report – I heard about it when […]


Report by David Godley: Community Consultation, Development Permit System

I’ve recently posted a report by Steve Nazar regarding a PDS (Development Planning System) meeting that he attended. The following text is by David Godley; it concerns community consultation in the City of Toronto, and the Development Permit System:   Introduction Congratulations to the Planning Department on taking the initiative in presenting the Development Permit […]


Two Cheers for Anarchism (2012) began as a large undergraduate lecture course on anarchism

Some years ago, James C. Scott taught a large undergraduate lecture course on anarchism in order to educate himself about the topic, and to figure out his own relationship to it. Scott’s conceptualization of anarchism includes a focus on “voluntary co-operation without hierarchy” and a celebration of “the inventiveness and judgment of people who are […]


The Maltese Falcon, based upon the novel by Damiell Hammett, is great entertainment

As a part-time Ryerson film student I’ve recently watched some great movies. In this post I’ll discuss The Maltese Falcon (1941) starring Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957) and Mary Astor (1906-1987). The movie is black and white with fairly hard light sources. The lighting contrast ratio in the production – the relation between key light (the light that […]