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597 search results for: may 4, 2013


Sept. 17, 2013 Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Informational Open House at Long Branch Legion

The following information is from Councillor Mark Grimes’ website: [I have added a link (see below) to an interview I did with Mississauga Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey in August 2013. I have also broken the single concluding paragraph in the original into shorter paragraphs.]   Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Informational Open House Posted September […]


Message from David Switzer regarding City Planning “Outreach” at Sherway Gardens, September 6, 2013 – 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

The Lakeshore Planning Council has shared the following message from David Switzer of Long Branch: I will be going to the City Planning Department “Outreach” at Sherway on Friday, September 6, 11am to 3pm. I feel that the most important overall and long term change City Planning can do is adapt Paul Ainslie’s proposal for […]


Mobile phones kill more drivers than booze does, police say, sparking long weekend crackdown (Aug. 30, 2013 Globe and Mail)

Updates A Jan. 30, 2014 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Distracted driving now deadlier than impaired driving.” A Feb. 4, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Cellphone use behind the wheel could be stopped with technology.” The subhead reads: “Distracted driving’s potential to kill or injure others needs preventive policy now, Canadian doctors say.” An […]


Evil Men (2013)

The following blurb at the Toronto Public Library website highlights a study by James Dawes – presented in a fractured structuring of transcripts and commentary – entitled Evil Men: Presented with accounts of genocide and torture, we ask how people could bring themselves to commit such horrendous acts. A searching meditation on our all-too-human capacity for […]


August 11, 2013 interview with Jim Tovey, Ward 1 Councillor in Mississauga, regarding Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project

Update (Dec. 9, 2014): There has been discussion in the past for the soil that is being removed from the Hanlan Project to be used for Inspiration Lakeview as part of the process of extending the shoreline southward into Lake Ontario. In that regard, things have changed a bit, as I understand. Here’s my current […]


List of comments (as of August 10, 2013) related to Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment

I’m pleased to share with you the following list of comments received as part of the consultation related to the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment, including most recently the targeted outreach at both Marie Curtis Park and Lakefront Promenade Park. This list, which has been circulated by Kate Hayes, Manager, Ecosystem Restoration, Credit Valley Conservation, […]


July 2013 newsletter features an update regarding the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project

The following text is based upon a July 2013 supplementary newsletter of the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project, which I picked up on an August 5, 2013 visit to an Information Display about the project. Community consultations I’ve followed many stories involving community consultation in recent years. One can think of a continuum. At one end […]


August 5, 2013 Lakeview Waterfront Connection Information Displays at Marie Curtis Park focused on community engagement

I have been following the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment project for some time. Many other people are more involved with the details and more knowledgeable about the project than I am.  My role, as a volunteer, is primarily to offer one means, among many others, for residents to learn more about the project. Communications […]