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71 search results for: mimico residents association


Wesley Mimico United Church development application process – information from MRA website

Information from MRA website related to Wesley Mimico United Church redevelopment process I’m pleased to share with you the following text from the Mimico Residents Association website: The MRA recently sent several questions regarding the rezoning and development application process to Matthew Premru in Toronto City Planning. We would like to share these with residents, […]


Have you filled out the MRA Mimico 20/20 Survey yet? It closes midnight on Monday night!

Following message is from the Mimico Residents Association: Mimico 20/20 Survey Final Reminder Please complete the survey before midnight Monday, February 25th at the following link: We are at a critical point in the Mimico 20/20 planning process. The Mimico Residents Association (MRA) would like your input to help us formalize our official position on the […]


Message from Carolyn MacLeod urging residents to fill in the brief MRA Mimico 20/20 survey

The following message is from Carolyn MacLeod of the Ward 6 Community Action Team: The Mimico Residents Association have a short 3 question survey about the Mimico 20/20 Revitalization plan, specifically about affordable housing and the one to one replacement of units in Mimico by the Lake. It is important to voice your opionion about repalcement […]


Point of information regarding Local Appeal Body notifications

I am pleased to share the following information, from Councillor Mark Grimes’ office, in reference to a comment made in an earlier blog post concerning notifications related to the ongoing Local Appeal Body consultation meetings. The information about the LAB consultations has been on Councillor Grimes’ website since February 2014. The notifications about the Local […]